The situation is getting worse, we will not survive without MORE RESTRICTIVE MEASURES


Starting tomorrow, the Nis military hospital will be in the covid system with 100 new beds to reduce pressure on the Nis Clinical Center, said anesthesiologist Prof. Dr. Radmilo Jankovic.

He pointed out for TV Zona Plus that there are more and more covid patients with a severe clinical picture, which is why all the hospitals in the surrounding cities are becoming or have become covid hospitals. Jankovic added that the health system and covid in Nis are under control for now, but that state measures should be more stringent.


Janković assessed that it is not enough to appeal because, as he said, it is no longer possible to leave someone’s personal choice to respect the measures.

He said that in relation to the previous days, the epidemiological situation is deteriorating, adding that the kovid system of the health system in the southeast of the country faces a great challenge.

Janković adds that patients are being transported to and from southern Serbia, Niška Banja and Sokobanja hospitals have already filled their capacities, and the most difficult are being hospitalized in clinics in Niš.

Jankovic noted that the numbers are now so high that we can expect that up to 20 percent of the total number of infected patients will request hospitalization, between five and 10 percent of those who will end up in intensive care units, and that mortality will soon it will be even greater.

Compared to the younger population, there are now more elderly people in intensive care units, with the most dominant being elderly and middle-aged patients aged 45 to 60 years.

Jankovic said that, among other things, that means a difficult period awaits us and that “we will not be able to hold out” without some more serious and restrictive measures.

VIDEO: Situation in front of the Kovid ambulance in Belgrade 11.29.2019.
