The brutal attack lasted two minutes!


The trial of Nikola Bojovic (20) and Mitar Pandurevic (20), accused of the murder of Stefan Filic (19) of Velika Plana, on February 2, in front of the “Shipwreck” nightclub, continued this Friday before the Superior Court by Smederevo.

As we learn, yesterday the brother of the deceased young man was questioned as a witness, as well as his underage friend, who was with Stefan at the fateful evening. In other words, they affirmed in court that two defendants beat him for no reason.

Andrew in front of the court
Andrew in front of the court photo: Private Archive

– It all started when Bojović, because of laughter, hit my friend with a “slap”, so Stefan approached to avoid a conflict. Stefan even patted Nikola on the shoulder in a friendly way. He wanted to calm down and Bojović punched him several times on the head out of sheer peace. So I intervened. I pushed Bojović and then he hit me too – Andrej said in court.

He also confirmed that Bojović kicked Stefan in the head while he was immobile. “I saw the defendant Pandurevic hit Stefan once with his fist,” Stefan’s brother said inconsolably. Andrija’s younger friend recounted almost the same version of events and claimed that the attack lasted one or two minutes. The court then confronted the witnesses and the accused, and they all kept their testimonies. – We could hardly bear all this! It’s too hard to look our killer Stefan in the eye. Andrija bravely endured facing the murderers of her brother – said a member of this family.

Stefan's many friends were also in front of the court yesterday.
Stefan’s many friends were also in front of the court yesterday. photo: Private Archive

Let us remind you, the defendant told a different version in the previous trial. Bojović claimed that he did not hit Stefan, but that he received a hit from someone. Pandurevic also claimed that he did not hit the deceased young man, but that he avoided the physical conflict between the minor Andreja who attacked Bojovic. The prosecution of the Superior Prosecutor’s Office accuses Bojović and Pandurević of aggravated homicide in complicity with reckless violent behavior. Stefan died 30 hours after the beating, and an autopsy established that “the death was the result of devastating and violent injuries to the brain centers.”

The trial will continue on December 28. Private file

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Author: delivery courier
