“I MILKED MY DAUGHTER AND PUT IT IN A STROLL …” Dramatic confession of a baby mother who died near Kanjiža


BF (23) from Martonoš near Kanjiža, the mother of the baby who was found dead Saturday morning, says she is devastated by the pain and cannot mourn the loss of her third child, a daughter with whom she gave birth to. light on April 14.

– I breastfed my daughter, took her in my arms to burp and put her in a stroller, on her side to lie down. Meanwhile, my son (6) woke up and I took him to the bathroom. When I came back, it was about half past six, I intended to breastfeed the baby once again. She used to cry at the time, but this time it was not announced. I noticed that he was breathing heavily and called an ambulance, sobbing B. F. told Kurir and added that the doctors arrived in ten minutes together with the police.

Meanwhile, his father Karolj Cako came to B. F. with his wife and a neighbor.

– I begged the doctors to save my granddaughter, but there was no help – Karolj said and repeated the words of the medical team: “There is no salvation, it is over.”

Karolj says her daughter gave birth on April 14 at the Senj hospital and that she gave birth to a healthy boy.

– There was no indication that something was wrong with the baby. Although my daughter is young, she is an experienced mother. He has a son and daughter from a previous marriage. Karolj said and added:

– We are waiting for the autopsy result to find out what happened. The granddaughter was born healthy and real.

The baby died of sepsis.

Meanwhile, the autopsy findings reached the Forensic Medicine Center in Novi Sad, ordered by the Office of the Senior Prosecutor in Subotica. The results showed that the cause of death was sepsis of the internal organs, Deputy Attorney General Branislav Rankov told “Novosti”.

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