In 24 hours, the number of newly infected INFECTIOUS who were left WITHOUT A FREE BED doubled


The coronavirus epidemic has reached alarming proportions and has entered a critical situation in Krusevac and throughout the Rasina district.

According to the latest report from the Krusevac Public Health Institute, in just one day, twice as many people were registered in Rasina district compared to the previous announcement when there were 135 infected. In Krusevac a record of 100 newly infected people was set, and 260 in total at the district level.

In relation to the number of inhabitants, the new report showed that it is more difficult in Trstenik (81) and Aleksandrovac (59). The state of emergency has been reintroduced in these municipalities, but the situation has not calmed down, and has even taken on more dramatic dimensions. In Brus and Varvarin, seven new patients were registered per day, while one less was registered in Ćićevac.

The situation is also alarming in the Infectious Diseases Department of Krusevac General Hospital, because the number of people in accommodation has increased by five and now that number is 112, which is eight less than the maximum possible number.

A total of 3,859 cases of coronavirus have been registered in the Rasina district since the start of the epidemic. 67 people (49 men and 18 women) died and a total of 18,606 samples submitted were analyzed in accredited laboratories. 9,595 people are under health supervision and so far 1,951 of them have been cured.

The coronavirus infected 69 primary and secondary school students and 20 teachers in the District, and due to this alarming situation, the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations in Krusevac met and requested greater joint inspection supervision in coordination with the competent authorities of the city and the republic.

The short-time period has been extended until 6:00 p.m. in restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, betting houses and shopping centers if they have a catering service, and in shops and other businesses until 9:00 p.m. until December 15.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
