DS – threats to Vučić – Srdjan Milivojević


The Democratic Party (DS) condemned the threats made to Aleksandar Vučić and his family on the day that more than 50 citizens died and 7,600 fell ill from the collapse of the health system.

DS Executive Board member Srdjan Milivojevic assessed that the dire threats to the Serbian Progressive Party chairman’s family and him personally come from people who have long been recognized as Aleksandar Vucic puppets, such as public delusions and other products of Goebbels propaganda, the DS said in a statement.

“The entire public in Serbia knows that the remote control to handle these people, known for their extremely extreme attitudes, is in the hands of Aleksandar Vučić. The main initiator of violence in Serbia for eight years is the chairman of the Serbian Progressive Party.” Milivojevic said.

He points out that “the sleeping prosecutor’s office, which lost its independence a long time ago, did not react to these threats, because it also works with the help of a remote control from a person who overdoses on power.”

Milivojevic stated that “in the face of the catastrophic effect of his government, Aleksandar Vucic resorted to the most mundane tricks of the time when he was Minister of Information, apparently forgetting how that period of terror ended in which he was one of the successes of the regime of so”.

“As tragic as that period was, it did not end with the victims, thanks to DS’s persistent commitment to change through non-violent actions. That is why we strongly condemn any threats directed at Aleksandar Vučić’s family and him personally, led by those who also they were created to say what he thinks and to do what he tells them to, “Milivojevic concluded in a DS statement.
