Nestorović posted 2 photos, and suddenly 13,000 people followed him



11/05/2020 09:52

“Dear, smarter, more interesting …”, “Doctor for the President”, respect for a respected doctor “, the comments are below the photos of Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Silkscreen / Rosa

Pulmonologist and allergist Dr. Branimir Nestorović He is one of the doctors that we have heard the most about the coronavirus epidemic in the last two months.

In the previous period, this doctor was a frequent subject in the media and on numerous Internet platforms, and one of the favorite pediatricians seems to have become popular on the social network Instagram, although he only published two photos on this platform.

One was created in December 2017 and the other was published in May 2018.

However, Dr. Nestorović is currently followed by more than 13,000 people on Instagram, and in the past few days alone the comments began to appear under the posted photos.

“Dear, smarter, more interesting …”, “Doctor for the President”, respect for a respected doctor “, the comments are below the photos of Nestorović.

Others have also wondered if a pulmonologist could become an influencer. And given the number of people who follow him, he is not far from that “title”.
