Pazarci brought aid to the citizens of Kragujevac H1 Serbia


The citizens’ association “Volunteers of the National Park” today delivered humanitarian aid to the Kragujevac Clinical Center to show that Novi Pazar has not forgotten what the citizens and doctors of the center of Šumadija did for that city during the coronavirus epidemic.

In the early hours of the morning, several vehicles filled with fruit, water, lemonade, protective space suits, visors, prosciutto and other supplies made their way to the Clinical Center in Kragujevac.

“We went there to bring the help of all the citizens of Novi Pazar to the people of Kragujevac, and especially to the doctors and patients. With this gesture, we wanted to show that we have not forgotten the summer of this year in which our city suffered the effects of the coronavirus, and the first to help us were citizens and doctors of Kragujevac ”, a photographic reporter from the newspaper told Deportivo and president of the Association. “NP Volunteers” Senad Zupljanin.

Senad, full of emotions that he brought from the road, says that the citizens of Novi Pazar enthusiastically accepted the request for help from the people of Kragujevac and everyone was rushing to get involved first in the action.

“This is not my action, nor my friends from the ‘NP Volunteers’ Association. This is an action of all the citizens of Pazar, someone gave us a van, someone a kedi … When we were collecting fruit at the Kvantaška market, people from the second row of stalls literally came to beg us to go to them so they could join this action, “says. Senad.

He adds that all this is just an indicator that Novi Pazar is a city with a big heart, that it does not forget anyone who helped this city and that it will not especially forget the doctors of Kragujevac who were the first to defend Novi Pazar from the Covid 19 virus.

“We do not forget the Kragujevac doctors who helped us when the virus was dominating our city, now this evil disease has come to Kragujevac and we feel the need to, as volunteers, organize an action and show how great the city of Novi Pazar is “, he concluded. is Senad Zupljanin.

Senad says the “volunteers” have been working and actively helping in the Novi Pazar General Hospital area for more than four months, as well as their activities being shifted out of the hospital when they collected money and repaired the roof of a home. fellow citizen.

In addition, “NP Volunteers” organized the cleaning of the Trnavica riverbed in Novi Pazar a month ago, but they also helped the citizens of Sjenica when a major flood hit a few months ago, so they worked on the disinfection of residential buildings in this Sandzak Township.

The Citizens Association “NP Volunteers” was founded when the coronavirus epidemic spread to our country, and during June and July, when the virus spread to Novi Pazar and the Sandzak region, the volunteers organized themselves to mainly help the Hospital General, bringing oxygen bottles and helping the sick. of the coronavirus.

These boys and girls donned space suits, entered the Novi Pazar hospital red zone and were at the service of medical workers and patients at the Novi Pazar center for 24 hours.
