The second day of the hunger strike of the deputies in front of the Serbian Assembly


Members of the Serbian Parliament on hunger strike have been on the steps in front of the National Assembly Chamber since this morning, and their party colleagues are with them.

Dveri President Boško Obradović stepped out in front of the Parliament this morning, after spending the night in the Serbian Assembly. Independent MP Miladin Sevarlic and SNS MPs Aleksandar Martinovic and Sandra Bozic are also on a hunger strike in front of parliament.

Obradović posted a photo of himself sitting on the steps on Twitter and wrote, “Day two.”

SNS deputies Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić waited in the morning in front of parliament.

According to RTS, Obradović left the parliament building around 6:40 this morning. For most of the night, independent MP Miladin Sevarlic was in the front, who occasionally entered the building for a while, but returned to the stairs.

Fifteen minutes after midnight, SNS deputies Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić, as well as independent deputy Miladin Ševarlić, stood before the Chamber of the National Assembly.

At one point, Boško Obradović entered the National Assembly building, then went out, as he said, to get a mobile phone charger, and then returned to the building.

“I will not end the hunger strike until the government invites the opposition to the negotiating table and an agreement is reached to postpone the elections for six months,” Obradovic said previously.

Before that, Dveri’s vice president, Marija Janjušević, brought Obradović a pillow and a blanket, which he brought to the assembly, and then a sleeping bag.

The deputies of the Serbian progressive party also remained in front of parliament.

On Sunday, independent parliamentarian Miladin Sevarlic was the first to decide to start a hunger strike, due to, as he said, the inability to win over MPs in the Assembly to discuss Kosovo and Metohija and violations of the integrity of Serbia.

Dveri’s leader Boško Obradović joined him with a request to interrupt the electoral process and for the government and opposition to sit at the negotiating table.

The head of the Serbian Progressive Party parliamentary group, Aleksandar Martinović, and the SNS deputy, Sandra Božić, started a hunger strike.

With a request to the prosecution reacts to the fact that deputy Marjan Risticevic was attacked in front of parliamentThey said they would not end the protest until the judiciary began to do its job.
