MYSTERIOUS DEATH IN VOŽDOVAC! He found his son dead in a chair WRAPPED IN A SHEET, and there was blood on the walls too!


As is unofficially known, Nebojsa and her mother spoke on the phone around 6 in the morning, and then he told her that he would not go to work because he was not feeling well. When his mother later tried to reach him by phone, he did not respond. The concerned woman then went to her apartment to check if she was okay and found a horrible sight.

According to the first information, the man was alone in the apartment, but he had a head injury. At this time it is unknown if he died or was injured after falling and injuring himself.

– There is a possibility that he fell and hit his head on the table, because he has a wound above the eyebrow on his head, which caused him to bleed. An empty alcohol bottle, a broken glass and some food were found next to him, a “Blic” source familiar with the investigation said.

As we learned unofficially, the man’s body was found on a chair in the apartment, covered with a white sheet on which there were traces of blood. For now, the police are not ruling out any possibility.

– It is possible that he hit his head, then staggered around the apartment and traces of blood were found on the adjoining wall. Everything has to be checked in detail because the mother first said that the apartment was closed and that she opened it, and then she said that she still does not remember if she opened the door or if the apartment was already open. Either he fell by himself, or someone hit him on the head with a blunt object – says the source.

photo: Ana Paunković

Nebojsa K.’s body will be sent for an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. Nebojsa K. moved into an apartment in Vozdovac a year ago, where he lived with his children and his wife until recently. He divorced his wife a few months ago and the children lived with her.

– In recent months, more precisely after the divorce, you have suffered a lot. That’s when he started drinking, and was often comforted by his neighbors, and he was supposedly depressed about it, Izor said.

As the neighbors in this part of Voždovac say, they did not know Nebojsa well, but had never heard of him doing incidents. Neighbors added that they didn’t hear anything unusual at the time Nebojsa was found dead.

photo: Ana Paunković

– We knew him as a family man until he got divorced. He arrived here a year ago, and now we have heard that they found him dead in the apartment, but we did not see if someone entered his apartment without being unknown – said one of the neighbors.

Since this multi-story building does not have a camera, the question arises, whether someone entered how he got to the fifth floor to enter the building, and then to the apartment if he did not have a key.

– If it turns out that this is murder after all, it must be determined how someone entered the building when there is no key and how they entered the apartment, whether Nebojsa opened it for that person. The aggravating factor is that the building does not have a camera, if there were one, it would be easier to check who entered and when, said the source.

Photo Ana Paunković

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Author: delivery courier
