You should definitely do this for well-being and happiness.


Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers celebrate a holiday dedicated to Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, who lived in the late 6th and early 7th centuries.

He was born in Cyprus into a princely family and was raised as a Christian from childhood. He lost his wife and children early, who passed away, so he was left alone.

He is famous for his mercy and piety, and was elected Patriarch of Alexandria in the time of Emperor Hilary. He ruled the church for ten years as a true pastor and kept it away from pagans and heretics.

He was a model of meekness, piety and philanthropy, and said: “If you want nobility, do not look for it in blood, but in virtue, because that is true nobility.”

He thought that God could not obey him if he did not obey and help the poor and needy. It was also pointed out that once Patriarch Jovan recalled the words of Christ: “if you take your offering to the altar and there you remind yourself that your brother has something with you,” then he recalled that one of the clergy of the church has ill will over him .

photo: Filip Plavčić

He quickly left the holy gifts, approached the clergyman, prostrated himself at his feet and asked for his forgiveness. And only when she reconciles with that man, does she return to the altar. “

When the Persians set out for Egypt, St. John the Merciful sailed to Cyprus, but fell ill and died at his birthplace in Cyprus in 620. His relics were first transferred to Constantinople, then to Budapest, and finally to Presburg.

It is celebrated by all Christian churches and is considered a saint of goodness, that is why it is believed that on this day you should be merciful to everyone who asks for your help.

If you are in a fight with someone or angry at someone who has hurt you, forgive me. It is believed that whoever forgives, will return multiple prosperity and happiness.


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