Belgrade school principals in the police because students wore masks – the Society


Instead of the expected praise for adhering to prescribed prevention measures, which slowed the spread of the virus within educational institutions, the principals of Belgrade’s primary and secondary schools received a call to explain to the police why they asked the students wearing masks.

Belgrade school principals in the police because the students were wearing masks 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / SASA DJORDJEVIC

Acting on the basis of the criminal report of the President of the Police Employees Union, Dejan ćukić, the Belgrade Public Prosecutor’s Office asked the police to examine the school principals whether they followed the recommendations during and after the state of emergency declared due to the epidemic of Kovid 19. carried out in schools in order to prevent an epidemic.

The letter was signed by Deputy Prosecutor Simonida Petrović, whom the principals of the schools we spoke to yesterday held responsible for not rejecting the unfounded criminal complaint.

In the criminal report Danas had access to, the principals were charged with the crime of endangering the health and lives of the school’s employees and students.

They are accused of violating the Constitution, the decisions of the Provisional Assembly of Serbia and the position of the World Health Organization, which “confirmed that the masks do not protect against the Kovid 19 virus”, respecting the recommendations of the “illegitimate” staff. crisis.

The directors of the Belgrade schools in the police because the students were wearing masks 2

According to the applicant, the directors violated the articles of the Constitution that define that human life is inviolable and that physical and mental integrity is inviolable, and that no one may be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or to medical or scientific experiments without freedom. consent.

The report also indicates that the Crisis Staff is an advisory body that only makes recommendations to the Government, and its legality is controversial, because “the decision to constitute the Staff was not published in the Official Gazette or on the Government’s website, for which has no legal authority. ” “.

The president of the Association of Serbian School Directors and the director of the Second Belgrade School of Economics, Dejan Nedić, says for Danas that the report against the director is derogatory and degrading.

He announced that representatives of the Association will meet today with the Minister of Education, Branko Ružić, since when do they expect protection in this situation.

Nedic announced that a counterclaim will be filed against the president of the aforementioned police union. He confirmed that, so far, an appeal has been made to the directors of schools in the territories of the municipalities of Zemun and Savski Venac in Belgrade.

One of those who had to explain to the police why he respected the orders and recommendations of the Ministry of Education to prevent the corona virus from entering educational institutions is Miloš Bjelanović, director of the Zemun Institute.

He learned of the criminal complaint when an inspector from the Zemun police station invited him to come and make a statement on Thursday.

– Can you imagine how I felt when I went to the police for the first time in 60 years, and everything I did was according to the law. I went to the police station with a colleague, the director of the School of Electrical Engineering “Zemun”, and we gave the same statement that we act in accordance with the measures ordered by the Ministry of Education, under whose jurisdiction the schools are – explains Bjelanović to Danas.

We did not receive a comment from the Belgrade Third Basic Prosecutor’s Office until the conclusion of this issue of our newspaper.

“Independence”: pointless questioning of the director

On the occasion of this case, the Serbian Teachers Union “Nezavisnost” announced yesterday, whose spokesperson Vesna Vojvodić Mitrović estimated that “at a time when the whole world is facing the strongest blow of the pandemic, absurd and senseless police interrogations of more than 300 principals of Belgrade primary and secondary schools because they conditioned students and employees to wear protective masks. “

Vojvodić also considers absurd the decision of the Third Basic Prosecutor’s Office to order the police to enter into talks with school principals, acting on the basis of the criminal complaint from the president of the Police Employees Union.

He sued both the actor and the politicians

The president of the Police Union, Dejan Đukić, is known to the public because he once filed a criminal complaint against actor Branislav Trifunović, accusing him of tearing the Serbian flag during the play. According to the media, he also brought criminal charges against numerous politicians, including Aleksandar Vučić, Aleksandar Vulin and Nebojša Stefanović, as well as against a participant in the Pride Parade.

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