He’s not the same Biden from the 90s anymore!



24.11.2020. 16:13 – 24.11.2020. 16:40


Photo: printscreeen youtube

Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic said he did not expect “extreme changes” in the US attitude towards the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, following the change to the US front, but that he expected the US to continue supporting the dialogue even when Joseph Biden took office.

When asked if he expects the dialogue with Pristina to rise to a higher level next year and how he sees changes in the US administration, in relation to the dialogue, Dacic recalled that the dialogue in Brussels began during the administration before Donald Trump. , at a time when Joseph Biden was vice president of the United States.

“I do not expect extreme changes when it comes to the relationship with the United States. I do not expect Biden to be Biden of the 90s, including representatives of the American administration and names mentioned as possible personnel solutions. I hope that the United States, after the oath and Biden’s inauguration functions of the president, to continue supporting the dialogue, “said Dacic at the Belgrade Economic Forum.

He pointed out that there is a difference in approach, that is, that the Trump administration had more flexibility when seeking a compromise solution, while the Democrat had the attitude that everything was over and that there was nothing to ask for compromise.

“But times have changed and it is now impossible to reach a long-term solution for Kosovo and Metohija without the consent and participation of Serbia,” Dacic said.

He also pointed out that there is total instability on the political scene in Pristina, that there are elections almost every year, that it is difficult to form a government and that the question is whether a president will be elected or a new crisis will open.

He also pointed out that in Pristina they always use it as an alibi for not complying with what was signed and agreed in Brussels, and the Brussels agreement, he recalls, was made in Biden’s time.

“We can say that the dialogue took place in Brussels, but I can confirm, as someone who started the dialogue and has been in it from the beginning, in the autumn of 2012, whenever there was a session in Brussels, there was also (the US diplomat Philip “Reeker, somewhere in Brussels. He did not attend the meetings within the dialogue, but the representatives of the US administration were always present and gave logistical support to the dialogue,” Dacic said.

Therefore, he says, he does not believe that there will be drastic changes in the US administration’s approach to this dialogue, but it is likely that the change could be directed towards the fact that they are not too willing to seek new compromises.

“But, time has changed. The American motto is ‘the situation on the ground’, and the situation in the political field is such that it is no longer the same as when Biden was last time,” said Dacic and recalled that the called Kosovo now has no majority in any international body.
