All new rules, but also old ones, we solve all the dilemmas about WORKING HOURS


Due to the increase in the number of new patients and the worsening epidemiological situation, the Government of Serbia has prescribed new measures to suppress the spread of the coronavirus, which will take effect today at exactly 6 pm What changes it brings to our daily lives.

In addition to the current ones, which mainly refer to the mandatory use of a protective mask and physical distance, new measures have been introduced that will change the way of daily life, and they mainly refer to catering facilities and other services, cultural institutions, as well as well as public transport.

Here are all the details of the measures and changes that await us today at 6 in the afternoon:

1. Shorter working hours

Reducing the working day until 6:00 p.m. for restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, bookmakers and shopping centers: that is exactly what the new measure says, which takes effect today.

Additional part-time work

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Additional part-time work

The dilemma is solved

Although at the beginning, when making this decision, it was unknown to which activities, in addition to catering companies, these changes refer, the publication in the Official Gazette resolved all doubts.

“In the period between November 24, 2020 and December 3, 2020, the working hours of catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, etc.), shopping centers, theaters, cinemas and others cultural institutions and organizers of special events and classic games of chance are limited so these facilities will not operate from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day ”, reads the Decree published in the Official Gazette.

The same decree modified the article of the previous one, which referred to the prohibition of the work of all the previous ones, but also of shops and other retail stores, from 9 to 5 hours. The aforementioned article was modified so that only shops and other businesses remained in it, which means that they can work until 9:00 p.m., that is, they will not work from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., as it is written exactly in the decree.

Although this measure also seemed confusing, and there were doubts about certain occupations and businesses, especially in shopping centers, yesterday it was resolved.

– So, all the actions that are do not find in shopping centers, such as boutiques on Knez Mihailova Street or hairdressers in your neighborhood, but also many artisans, will be able to work as before at 9:00 p.m. – Darko Glavas, the first man of the Ministry of Defense Affairs, solved the dilemma of ” Blic “situation, communication and coordination of relations with citizens.

Modified working hours

* Working hours until 6 in the afternoon are valid for: restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, betting houses and shopping centers. Likewise, for theaters and cinemas, that is, cultural institutions, the work regime is valid until 6 in the afternoon, which means that the last screening / performance must be completed at that time.

* Business hours until 9:00 p.m. are valid for: grocery stores and newsstands, hair salons, boutiques, as well as other craft stores not located in shopping centers. This also applies to banks, post offices, and gyms.

* Unlimited working hours: Pharmacies, gas stations for the sale of fuels and catering and other facilities that distribute food can operate 24 hours a day.

Read more details about the working hours that are valid as of today in a separate news item.

2. Mandatory protection

The mandatory and unconditional use of personal protective equipment (with protective mask) indoors, as well as outdoors in those situations where interpersonal contact cannot be avoided, is also a measure.

Wearing a protective mask indoors is something that does not change throughout the epidemic, but more and more talk is about outdoor masks.

Photo: Nenad Pavlović / RAS Serbia

This was a recommendation that the profession emphasized on a daily basis, and even now it is noted as a mandatory measure that masks are mandatory outdoors in those situations where it is impossible to maintain physical distance.

So if you are waiting in line (post office, bank, shops), you are in a pedestrian zone or any other place where it is impossible to maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters, a mask is required.

Also, in cafes and restaurants, a person without a mask can only be at the table, and in all other circumstances, a mask is mandatory, when entering, leaving, going to the bathroom …

3. Prohibition of gathering more than 5 people

Prohibition of all public meetings with the presence of more than five people, indoors and outdoors. Work organizations, schools, businesses, shopping centers and similar facilities, which are subject to the prescribed limit on the number of people present at all times in relation to the area of ​​the facility of at least four square meters per facility, are excluded from this measure. person.

This measure came into effect on November 6, and is still in effect, and was also referred to by Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević at that time.

– The prohibition refers to meetings at public events, which refers to celebrations, congresses and seminars. They refer to organized meetings. It does not refer to the school and work environment – he emphasized at the time.

This, therefore, prohibits any organized gathering, which mainly means private celebrations and parties, but also any other the presence of more than five people.

4. Work from home

Although little has been said about this before, one of the new measures is to enable work from home to all employees whose work process allows it.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said today, commenting on the new measures, that two reasons are crucial in this case.

Photo: Shutterstock

– Among the measures is to enable work from home, for two reasons so that people do not make contacts and to ease transportation in the city – he said.

The question remains to what extent it is possible to apply this measure in certain activities.

This refers mainly to state agencies, companies that have daily contacts with the parties where it is almost impossible to enable work from home.

However, as it is stated that the measure refers to making it possible to work from home to all employees whose work process allows it, certain employees will still have to go to work every day, despite this measure.

5. Greater control in transportation

Strict control of the obligation to wear a protective mask in public transport vehicles, with the limitation of the maximum number of passengers in the vehicle to half the declared capacity of the vehicle: this is exactly what another new measure says.

Since public transport is one of the main places of transmission of the virus, the authorities constantly, in addition to wearing a mask, also appealed for control over the implementation of this measure.

Now, the city’s transport will also undergo changes because the number of passengers will be limited and additional vehicles will have to be provided to avoid creating crowds.

– We will increase the city transport so that there are fewer crowds, when the city transport is full to 50 percent of the passengers, it will not stop at the station until the crowd clears – Lončar pointed out today.

There were many doubts about this measure, and after the City Crisis Staff session, there are no more dilemmas.

The traffic of the city will not be suspended and the time of the so-called rush hour will be extended, when the number of vehicles will be increased. Instead of the previous rush hour, which lasted from 15 to 17 hours, when the maximum number of vehicles was included, it will be extended in the future and will last from 15 to 20 hours.

According to the decision of the city crisis personnel, 236 more vehicles will be included than usual in that period.

This practically means that there will be 1,641 public transport vehicles on the streets in the 15-20 hour period.

The accusations that appeared in public, such as that if the bus is more than 50 percent full, it will not stop at the station, they are unfounded, they stated for “Blic” in the city.

6. And other measures under additional control

In addition to public transport, control will be strengthened in the case of home isolation, home quarantine or self-isolation, as well as all other anti-epidemic measures in force.

Home isolation is prescribed as an anti-epidemic measure to isolate infected people without symptoms or with symptoms of a disease that does not require hospital treatment.

According to the law, quarantine in home conditions is ordered by an infectologist or other medical doctor in accordance with the order of the Minister, who is notified to the epidemiologist of the competent institute, institute of public health or other competent health institution .

The duration of home quarantine is determined during the maximum incubation period for a given infectious disease. You can read more about quarantine control here.

7. Changes in educational institutions too

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation, school classes could also undergo certain changes in the coming days. The truth is that there will not be full suspensions, but the classes will be held remotely or online, and if a selective transition measure to online is adopted, it will be limited to 10 or 15 days.

Photo: N. Ž. P. / RAS Serbia

In addition, much has been heard by the profession in recent days that winter break will be longer than before, so there were suggestions that schoolchildren are on vacation from December 21 to January 20.

– Schools are not closed, you can connect, mention is made of the idea of ​​unifying AP Vojvodina calendars with the rest of Serbia in terms of holidays, to have holidays from December 21 to January 20 to cover all holidays. We will also discuss the transition to online classes for high school students and children from fifth to eighth grade – said yesterday the Minister of Education Branko Ružić adding that this will be discussed these days.

The youngest from first to fourth would still go to classrooms. The kindergartens are still open.

“We must not forget that someone has to take care of those children,” Ruzic added.

Some local governments have already used insufficiently clear legal regulations, and after declaring a state of emergency, they decided to close schools until further notice and send students to classes online. Such was the case with Vrbas, Paracin, Temerin, Bujanovac, but also with some educational institutions in Nis.

So, from all the above, many changes await us from today, and all measures are limited to a period of 10 days, after which they will be reconsidered according to the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

VIDEO: Rules of conduct in schools during the Kovid-19 epidemic
