Today we will find out what kind of winter awaits us, and this is what the host should do to make things better for the family.


CELEBRATING MRATINDAN: Today we will discover what kind of winter awaits us, and this is what the host should do to make things better for the family.

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On November 24, the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers celebrate the Holy King Stefan de Decani, also popularly known as Saint Martin’s Day.

Stefan Uroš III Nemanjić (1276-1331) was the son of King Milutin and the father of Emperor Dušan. The father ordered that he be blinded and that the son drown him in old age. When he became blind, Saint Nicholas appeared to him in the temple of Ovče polje and was promised that he would regain his sight.

“Stefan, do not be afraid, here are your eyes in my palm, in due time I will bring them back in silence,” he said.

Saint Stephen spent five years in Constantinople as a prisoner in the Svedržitelj monastery. With his wisdom, patience, prowess and kindness, he aroused the admiration of both the monks and all of Constantinople. When five years had passed, Saint Nicholas miraculously restored sight to the blinded King Stefan, who later built the Visoki Decani temple.

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He lived his life as a righteous man and a martyr, and thus ended it on November 24, 1336. Together with Saint Sava and Prince Lazar, he forms the trinity of the wisest, most sacrificial, and most noble personalities and saints given by the Serbian people.

Customs on this day

In the people, especially in eastern Serbia, there are interesting customs associated with this holiday that date back to pagan times. One by one, in Martindan, the ancient Slavs celebrated the cult of the wolf, which is at the same time a powerful opponent and protector of demons. Thus, the belief arose that on November 24, Santa Mrata summons all the wolves and determines how many sheep the host can eat that winter so that they do not cause too much harm to anyone. Hence the custom of not taking sheep out of the fold on this day.

There is also a saying: “Santa Mrata, snow for the door”, which marked the beginning of winter, the cold and snowy time of the year. According to beliefs in certain parts of Serbia, if the host accepts household chores on this day, the family will improve, but if he behaves spoiled and resentful, the year will be bad.

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These days nothing is given away outside the home, wool is not spun and nothing is washed. Tailors and shoemakers rest, and women do not make crafts.

There is a belief that if the weather is foggy on Saint Martin’s Day, winter will be changeable. If the day is sunny and clear, winter will be frozen. If you have any eye problems, you should pray to this saint on this day, saying these words:

“To you, divine Great Martyr, to the excellent protector, bring the victorious and grateful song of the Church, that you liberate from evil. And you, having freedom before God, deliver us from all dangers, so that we can cry out to you: Rejoice, King Esteban, adorn the martyr! “


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