A cross section of the situation was made, new measures were presented


Minister Lončar said that in the next few hours, the medical part of the crisis staff will explain in writing each proposed measure, and then it will be considered which of them is legally feasible to implement.

“The people of the legislation will say what is possible and what is not. It is not correct to propose measures, so someone says that they do not agree with the law, the Constitution of Serbia,” Loncar said.

He emphasized that such a high number of infected people are a consequence of non-compliance with existing measures, that is, if the measures were respected, the situation would not be the case.

“Regardless of what action you take, it takes at least seven to ten days to see the result,” Loncar said.

“Curfew is not a magic solution”

The curfew is not a magic solution and that measure was not the subject of today’s session of the Crisis Staff, said the Health Minister, noting that the only remedy to reduce the number of infected is to break contacts.

“The curfew is not a magic solution and it can be something that sounds, but I would like all of us to understand if it is necessary to introduce the curfew without being able to understand that we have to break contact. That is the essence of everything,” he said . Potter.

He noted that curfew today was not the topic of the crisis staff session, but, he says, it is always a matter of breaking contact.

“Without breaking contacts, especially now that the virus has entered the family, we cannot get a better result and reduce the increase in the number of infected people. We can call it what we want, breaking contacts is the only cure for this situation.” Loncar said.

The minister pointed out that the virus entered the family and that is a big difference from the previous period.

“Let’s not philosophize, the only way to avoid it is to cut contact. There is no other way to stop the numbers,” Loncar said.

New hospitals in the kovid system

The Pneumology Clinic and Thoracic Surgery Clinic of the Serbian Clinical Center have been in the kovid system since this morning, and the decision was made to convert Niška Banja into a kovid hospital, Lončar announced.

He noted that the capacities of the Belgrade hospitals were fully utilized and therefore additional capacities were opened.

“Since this morning, we have opened all pulmonology and thoracic surgery at KCS. We have transferred patients from the thoracic clinic to cardiac surgery, and from pulmonology to B. Interna. We now have additional capabilities and, most importantly, intensive care facilities, which it is the most necessary, “he said. Potter to reporters.

He stated that a decision was made last night and that Niška Banja should be turned into a Koviv hospital, and Leskovac hospital, with certain capacities for intensive care, will be ready to receive patients.

“We have enough places in temporary hospitals in Nis and Kragujevac. In the interior, we have enough places to receive patients with covida. The problem is in Belgrade, from where we transport patients who require hospital treatment to other cities in Serbia and this will continue, because our The goal is “Anyone who needs hospital treatment, we will make it possible,” Loncar said.

“There are enough vaccines for seasonal flu”

Loncar affirmed that there are enough vaccines for seasonal flu, as well as that in the next few days another 200,000 quadrivalent vaccines will arrive, along with another series produced at the “Torlak” Institute.

“We have enough vaccines for seasonal flu, both quadrivalent and trivalent ‘Torlak’s’. It may happen that they are not somewhere, but we can redistribute them,” Loncar said.

He announced that in the coming days just over 200,000 vaccines for the seasonal, quadrivalent flu will arrive, along with another series of vaccines produced in “Torlak”.

“I appeal to citizens so that they can be vaccinated throughout the month of December. I recommend that they get vaccinated. Until now, we have never had such vaccination coverage, but on this day we have exceeded it by 30-40 percent in compared to the best days we had in the previous period, “Loncar said.

He reiterated that there is no shortage of vaccines, that is, it is possible that they will disappear somewhere, but then they are redistributed, specifying that this morning there were more than 20,000 quadrivalent vaccines and 40,000-50,000 trivalent.
