Saturday SNOW AND RAIN, morning temperatures around zero!


A moderate to strong northwest wind will blow. The lowest temperature will range from minus two to five and the highest from three to seven degrees. In Belgrade it will be mostly cloudy, dry and colder. The lowest temperature will be around one and the highest around five degrees.

Sunday will be moderately cloudy, dry for the most part, only in the morning in the central and southern parts, sometimes with rain. The wind will be weak and moderate, southwest, in the afternoon and during the night, heading southeast, during the night from Saturday to Sunday the temperature will drop to minus five. During the day, the lowest temperature is 0 to 6 degrees and the highest is 7 to 13 degrees.

The next seven days will be dry, stable and with average cold weather for this time of year. Morning frosts with frequent fogs and low clouds are expected, especially in the lower regions, in the valleys and river valleys.

Biometeorological forecast for Saturday, November 21: Most chronic patients can have common problems. Caution is advised for nervously labile people and asthmatics. Possible reactions of meteorologists are rheumatic pain and insomnia.

Photo by Zorana Jevtić

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
