Why is this man still on the loose?


Charlatans like Miroljub Petrovic, who make money from the suffering of the naive, the unfortunate and the sick and are dangerous to the individual and society, should be held criminally liable for charlatanism and fraud, but they persist because the crime of charlatanism is very difficult to prove, say the interlocutors. Delivery courier!

A day of 120 euros

They warn that such investigations often get in the way, because scammers try in every way possible to manipulate the victim without leaving written traces.

Miroljub Petrovic, known to the public under the slogan “Under the sword, brother!”, Against whom pre-criminal prosecutions are being carried out in Leskovac for charlatanism, was allegedly recently found in an online lesson this week by mistake. This scandal has reopened the question of how it is possible that Petrovic, after at least two families have publicly accused him of being responsible for the death of their loved ones, is still on the run, appearing in public and posting controversial content on the Internet.

Biljana Jovanović (34), sister of the late Slavča Petrov (31), who died on January 7, 2019 after Petrović “treated” him for cancer, told Kurir that Petrović explicitly told Slavča not to go to the doctor , selling drinks that cost him up to 1,200 dinars a bottle, while treatment services at his home, walks and prayers, cost him 120 euros a day.

photo: Marina Lopicic

Petrovic is hitting those who have a hard time, who are in a very bad situation from which they see no salvation, Bozidar Spasic, a former DB operative, told Kurir.

– See them as an opportunity to earn money. The question is how many more people have passed through his hands, but are silent out of shame. The police must investigate in detail what and how Petrovic did, because his practice of charlatanism has very harmful consequences. However, the worst thing is that such acts are difficult to prove, because scammers never leave a trace that they took money. People like him say to the victim: “I won’t charge you, but if I see 150 euros on the ground, I’ll take it to you.” And then the victim, of course, has no receipt or anything like that that can be evidence in court. It is even more difficult to show that he advised the victims not to go to the doctor. You can say “I said it, but you don’t have to listen to me,” says Kurir Spasić.

By the way, in January last year, the Leskovac High Prosecutor’s Office initiated a pre-investigation procedure against Petrović, but the case was transferred to the Basic Prosecutor’s Office, which ordered the police to carry out controls. Biljana Jovanović was interrogated only in May this year and Petrović remains at large.

Ban sites

– The fact that he is still at large means that the judiciary probably failed. It is about quackery and the criminal act of fraud, and if that is proven, in addition to the prison sentence, the court can also ban Petrovic’s sites, spread his ideas, but also his appearance in the media, he told Kurir lawyer Nebojsa Milosavljevic.


His speeches are full of hate

photo: Zorana Jevtić

Božidar Spasić thinks that it is terrible that people like Petrović have space on certain televisions and that their charlatan ideas and hate speech are promoted in the media:

– These people should not be given space to gossip in public about what comes to mind, because it can be very dangerous. It gives you credibility in front of the people who watch it. You should be prohibited from exposing yourself publicly.

Kurir.rs/ Ružica Kantar Photo: Printscreen

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Author: delivery courier
