NEW KNOWLEDGE ON THE “TOPO” SUBJECT! High-ranking police officers were clearing the ground for the dirty business of the Kavač clan


On that occasion, a lot of dust was raised in the Serbian Ministry of the Interior. It is unofficially known that the Minister of Police, Aleksandar Vulin, gave instructions to initiate disciplinary proceedings against any police officer caught in the company of a criminal.

After each murder of a member of the “scalp clan”, the question arose of how the crime went almost without error, despite numerous cameras, public places where it was committed, eyewitnesses who saw the vehicle in which the killers. Some MUP officials know the answer.

– “Kavčani” would never have been able to carry out the ordered liquidations without the great help of the police, as witnessed by the latest crimes in which “škaljarci” Aleksandar Šarac died in the “Ušće” shopping center and Bojan Mirković in the settlement of Belvil. Apparently someone from the Ministry of the Interior assisted the organizers of the killings. It is incredible that the members of the clan have so much information at their disposal, without having “reports” of the most informed, which are some high-ranking police leaders and operatives. The executors followed the movement of the victims for days and chose the most favorable moment for the attack. The cleaners allowed them to safely escape from the scene to the barns, the Serbian Telegraph has learned from sources close to the investigation.

In addition to targeting, senior officials from the Interior Ministry assisted the leaders of the “Kavač clan” in the logistics of numerous crimes, but also in the distribution of drugs. The corrupt individuals in the MUP were willing to do anything for a certain amount of money. They often cleared the way for their associates from the “Kavač clan” and in this way allowed the cocaine they were transporting to be delivered to certain addresses throughout Serbia, but also in the Balkans, which is why the border police are under investigation, which it also has dirty cops – emphasizes our interlocutor.

Internal Control has launched an extensive investigation in which it combs the members of the Ministry of the Interior, starting with the largest beasts in management positions. Sources claim that some police leaders even ordered the operatives to provide them with the names of the informants, and then forwarded them to the “Kavcans”. Of course, this was followed by the liquidations or “disappearances” of these people.

The Serbian Telegraph also found evidence in the “mole affair” confirming the cooperation between the police and the criminals in the form of a photo in which, in addition to the “swindler” Bojan Mirkovic, who was killed on November 12, shows SK, son of MK, former chief of police. and AP, moreover Mirkovic’s godfather, both active police officers, who were also suspended on suspicion of supporting the “Kavac clan”. It is suspected, that is, that the AP changed sides and abandoned the “resellers” and their godfather.

This is just the tip of the iceberg because at least 30 high-ranking police officers are suspected of working directly for the Mafia clans. To this must be added the currently unknown number of minor associates of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the entire network of logistics managers, finding granaries, procuring vehicles and weapons and hiding liquidators behind the crime.

In the fight with the “Kavcans”, but also with other criminal teams, a special role will be given to the task force that is being formed. The group will be headed by Bogdan Pusic, former deputy chief of the UCP, and will be made up of various police chiefs, but also experts from other professions. During his career, Pusic was especially involved in controversial large-scale privatizations. The main objective of the working group is to fight against corruption. Parallel to the internal investigation into the involvement in the dirty affairs of the “Kavač clan”, a reorganization in the Serbian Ministry of the Interior is underway. telegraf

Photo by Marina Lopicic

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Author: delivery courier
