90% of people ignore the alarm that the body sends!


Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but also one of the most common. At a later stage because the first symptoms of this disease are often confused with something else or completely ignored, that we should never dare.

This is 7 first signs colon cancer:

1. Uprene changes in the intestines

They can be caused by a change in diet or lifestyle, but if, for example, diarrhea ili prison last more than a week, it is possible that there are polyps in the colon, which can turn into cancer, explain the experts of the clinic. May.

2. Cramps, gas or abdominal pain

These problems can be felt after eating something that your body does not like, but if it is strong and persistent pain, it is possible that your body warns of something serious. Many colon cancer patients also suffer from bloating and feelings. discomfort in the stomach.

3. Rectal bleeding or light blood in the stool

If you realize Blood in the stool, it can be a clear sign of colon cancer. If you notice this symptom, be sure to call your doctor.

4. Feeling that the intestines are not completely empty.

This is another sign of colon cancer: you go to the bathroom, but you feel like it the intestines were not emptied.

5. Weakness or fatigue

Polyps can cause internal bleeding in the colon, which immediately leads to fatigue and feeling weak. It usually comes on quite suddenly and without strenuous activities or lack of sleep.

6. Unexplained weight loss

Sudden weight loss can be a symptom of several types of cancer, and in colon cancer this occurs because polyps in the intestines affect the way the body metabolizes food.

7. Changes in the color or shape of the chair.

Darker color chairs and pencil shape they are a bad sign. If it’s a chair black, it is mainly the result of the penetration of blood in the digestive tract.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, be sure to Call your doctor as soon as possible!

