9 CIRCLES OF CIRCLES OF HELL Serbia is one step away from the DARK PURPLE ZONE, but that’s not the worst that awaits us


Serbia has been registering a record number of people infected with the corona virus for days, the psychological limit of more than 1,000 patients has been broken in 24 hours, a few days ago we were all a bit surprised by the announcement that we are entering the zone purple from red, but it turned out not to be the worst what to expect.

That is, according to the classification of the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), up to nine levels have been introduced in which countries are classified based on the number of infected per 100,000 inhabitants, and Serbia is currently in fifth grade, from 134 to 100,000, the so-called purple. One step away from the dark purple zone!

In the best green zone are countries with 0 to 15 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, in yellow are those with 15 to 30 patients, followed by red from 30 to 50, then red-violet with 50 to 100 infected for each 100,000 inhabitants and the purple from 100 to 150, which currently includes Serbia.

However, if you thought it was the blackest variant, you were wrong! Above is dark purple with 150 to 300, which individually includes Belgrade with almost 290 infected per 100,000 people.

The seventh degree of the crown, which we hope Serbia will never know, was named “pop star” and covers countries with 300 to 500 infected, followed by dark gray with 500-1,000, and the peak is in the black zone that covers countries with 1,000 or more patients. per 100,000 inhabitants.
