84 infected, 1 deceased, more than a MILLION examined so far


CROWN LIVE IN SERBIA, LAST SECTION: 84 infected, 1 deceased, more than a MILLION tested so far

Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Ana Paunković, Shutterstock, Printscreen

BELGRADE – In the last 24 hours, 84 people have been infected with corona in Serbia and sadly one patient passed away. There are 407 patients in hospitals and 35 on respirators.

photo: Print screen

Director of the Serbian Clinical Center prof. Milika Ashanin says that the situation in the country, when it comes to the coronavirus, is satisfactory and stable, but fragile.

He told TV Pink that he forces us to be especially careful and responsible. “There are significantly fewer patients in the admission and triage clinics, both at the Infectious Diseases Clinic and at the Kovid clinic in Belgrade. At the Belgrade city level, about a dozen patients are admitted for hospital treatment within the 24 hours, “Ashanin said.

photo: Courier

He emphasizes that the situation in the Infectious Diseases Clinic is good so far, that 60 to 70 examinations must be performed in 24 hours, and that it is important that the number of examinations is less than 100.

“We have 36 or 37 patients in hospital treatment and four on a ventilator,” Ashanin said, emphasizing that around 1,000 examinations are performed daily in Serbia, as far as Serbia is concerned.

He points out that the number of examinations has increased, that the relationship between the first exams and the control exams has been altered.

“In the past period, we had two thirds of the control examinations. Now, two thirds are the first examinations. We are monitoring the situation every hour,” he said. Remember that Serbia faces several challenges, and that it is the return of citizens from abroad, the school year has started, classes in the faculties are starting.

He points out that at this time, there is nothing more effective in the fight against the corona virus, except preventive measures: the use of masks, distance and regular hand hygiene. An additional risk is the fact that the seasonal flu is expected from mid-October, and that the flu vaccine is very important. “I call on all citizens to get vaccinated against the flu, and when the vaccine arrives, against the coronavirus,” he concluded.

There have been no new infected people in Kraljevo in the last 24 hours.

According to the report of the Kraljevo Public Health Institute, the epidemiological situation in the territory of the city of Kraljevo has not changed in the last 24 hours. Out of 20 swab samples taken in health institutions in the Kraljevo city area from people with symptoms of the disease “Covid-19” or according to other test indications, there are no new positives recorded.

The total number of registered people positive for the virus “SARSCoV-2”, which causes the infectious disease “Covid-19”, in the territory of the city of Kraljevo on September 9, is 1,388. Since the last report, there have been no deaths on the territory of the city of Kraljevo, in the General Hospital “Studenica”. JS

LOZNICA FIVE DAYS WITHOUT NEWLY INFECTED: Three positives in the Macva district

The crown is not delivered in the Macvan district, where three more positive samples (8.9) were confirmed yesterday, one in Sabac, Bogatic and Ljubovija, the Sabac Institute of Public Health announced. The total number of positives in the district since the start of the pandemic is 3,205 and there are currently 253 patients. As for Loznica, she has had no new positives for kovid-19 by the fifth day and in September she only had two. 44 patients contacted the triage center of the Loznica Health Center “Dr Milenko Marin”, and two were referred to the Department of Infectious Diseases, in whose outpatient clinic 16 patients were examined yesterday, of which the first six were examinations. Four new pneumonias were detected on 25 x-rays of the lungs. The number of covid cases hospitalized at the General Hospital of Loznica continued to decrease, where one was admitted and two were discharged, so there are currently thirteen of them. The best confirmation that life goes on is that of the Loznica maternity, where 20 babies, ten girls and ten boys, were born in the previous seven days. T. Ilic


At Uzice General Hospital, 31 suspected corona virus positive patients were hospitalized, and of that number, three patients are in the intensive care unit, one of whom is on artificial ventilation.

photo: RINA


In all the wards of the Čačak General Hospital, which were converted into one ward, 13 patients were hospitalized. In the last 24 hours, one patient was admitted and five were discharged. In the respiratory center, a person is connected to a respirator. In the last 24 hours at the Čačak General Hospital admission and triage clinic, 36 patients with symptoms and signs of covid infection were examined, of which 27 were the first examinations. The task force and the mayor call on their fellow citizens to adhere to all prescribed measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease.


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Author: delivery courier
