82 years old, and the engine is from the factory (PHOTO)


The ravages of time have long eroded the many cars that have marked our past. Leaning to the side and to the left, they haven’t been hitting the roads for a long time, and many of these beauties are remembered only in cult movies. However, in the city at the foot of Oplenac, the “Opel Adam Olympia” took on a new life and only here can a father with two sons be seen making a new one out of an old car.

“Wherever I found an old car, took it home and restored it, it was not difficult for me to go to the other side of Serbia just to save our national treasure. I took the first Opel Olympia in Plaskovac, it was half buried in the garbage, we passed all day digging and digging to get to it. I took the other one out of the forest, it was covered with trees and vegetation, I cut firewood for two years to get to the car, we barely cleared it, but nothing was difficult for me. It’s passion, love, I do not regret paying the money and bringing it home, and after the years of work and ordering to give it back its authentic look, ”Dragan Spasić – Paja (55) from Topola told RINA.

photo: RINA

The Opel Adam Olympia, currently undergoing restoration, was built in 1938 and was last registered in 1976.

“Its owner wanted to repair it, however, he had no money for it. When I broke it, I was amazed at how good it was inside, after so many years. The engine is great, everything is authentic, nothing has been repaired. Often years go by while I fix the car, I don’t install it without the original cabinet, and that’s why this job takes years, because I want it to be like before. Every dinar is invested in this and it is a very expensive hobby, but when you love you don’t look at the bill. What I love the most is the Opel Olympia, and in the seven years that I have been involved in this business, I have studied every part well, “says Spasić.

photo: RINA

A car arranged in this way can be registered according to the so-called model histories, and the customers are usually richer customers. So far, Paja has benefited from this hobby, however, as he puts it, he regrets that Serbian cars mostly end up abroad. The price of a car of this type can reach 30,000 euros.

“I had many offers to sell, a man came from Munich and gave me 5,000 euros here in the yard, but I didn’t sell. Yes I won, but even that is not right, because perhaps those vehicles would stay in Serbia, it is ugly that they are leaving us. So far, I have bought and resold a lot of vehicles because I didn’t have the money to restore them, and whoever sold the car to him took it out of Serbia. They offered me to drive a wine route, sightseeing tours, I even had an offer to ride in the series ‘Shadows over the Balkans’, but that was not my goal. I’ve had a passion for acting since I was a kid, I performed at school and now we have a group and we perform. However, I am the son of “punishments”, I remember Minister Jović and Lula and this same car that Tihi and Prle drive. When I finish these Olympics, my wish is to take it out and take a photo in Oplenac in front of the church, ”said the restorer from Topola.

By the way, the Opel Olympia was made as a national vehicle in Germany, during the war it was used to transport officers. During that period, numerous cars of this brand were brought to Serbia, where they remained as war trophies.


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Author: delivery courier
