8 users and 10 infected workers


Eight users and 10 employees were infected with the virus in social protection institutions for the accommodation of users and homes for the accommodation of adults and the elderly, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Social Affairs and Veterans announced today.

The presence of the kovid-19 virus was confirmed at the Sremčica Institution for Children and Young People in Belgrade, the Center for Family Accommodation and Adoption in Kragujevac, and the Kornelija Stanković Nursery at the Accommodation and Nursery Center for Children and Young People with Disabilities. development in Belgrade, Shelter for the urgent protection of children and young people at the Zvečanska Baby, Child and Youth Protection Center in Belgrade, Belgrade City Social Work Center, Zvezdara Department, Bačka Palanka Center for Gerontology, Center for Gerontology in Kragujevac

photo: print screen

Furthermore, the coronavirus is present in the “Dzivdjan” Home for Adults and Aging in Belgrade, the Home for Adults and Aging “Sveti Trifun” in Zeleznik, in Belgrade, and the Home for Adults and Aging “Nanini konaci” ‘in Zrenjanin.

The total number of cured users of social protection institutions is 1,080 and the number of cured people employed in social protection institutions is 428.

Beneficiaries of social protection institutions who are estimated to be potential carriers of the virus are isolated, while employees of social protection institutions, where there is such danger, do not come to work and are in home isolation.


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Author: delivery courier
