$ 70 MILLION COMPUTER FRAUD: Serbian hacker agrees to be extradited to the US.


The US request for the extradition of the other 10 computer fraud suspects via bogus investment platforms has yet to be decided, because they opposed the extradition, the Belgrade High Court told Tanjug.

Since the AS accepts extradition to the United States, there will be no appeal, and his extradition will soon be decided by the Serbian Minister of Justice, who must give his consent.

This is the first extradition of a Serbian citizen to the United States pursuant to the bilateral extradition agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the United States of America two years ago.

The suspects of international computer fraud were questioned on September 30 before the investigating judge of the Special Department of the Belgrade High Court, and then their detention was extended, in which they have been since their arrest on July 24.

They were arrested in a joint action by national investigative bodies and the US FBI, on suspicion that they obtained illegal property gains of more than 70 million dollars through organized fraud, through false investment platforms.

The statement of the Supreme Court specifies that AS, at the hearing in the presence of the elected defense attorneys, stated that he wanted to be extradited to the United States according to a simplified procedure, and the Deputy Prosecutor for Organized Crime considers that the procedural conditions for the prosecution have been met. extradition.

Therefore, the non-procedural panel of the Special Department for Organized Crime of the Belgrade High Court, on October 20, rendered a decision determining that the legal conditions for the extradition of the AS to the USA have been met, In order to carry out the process before the District Court of North Texas.

AS is a suspect in the US criminal case against KK and others for conspiracy in the commission of a fraud including electronic communication and for conspiracy to launder US criminal law, it is specified in the court announcement.

It is further clarified that the non-procedural criminal chamber of the court considers that the conditions for the extradition of an AS national are met, considering that the Extradition Agreement between Serbia and the United States stipulates that the extradition will not be denied based on the citizenship of the person whose extradition is requested.

Likewise, the court adds, because the Agreement stipulates that extradition is allowed for criminal prosecution for criminal acts for which, according to the law of both countries, a prison sentence of more than one year is prescribed, and because the request for The United States is backed by prescribed annexes.

“The provisions of the Extradition Agreement between Serbia and the United States should apply primarily to the decision-making process on the extradition of such persons, as it represents a confirmed international agreement, albeit in accordance with the International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act of the United States. Republic of Serbia these issues, which are not regulated by the declared extradition agreement, ”the court noted in the statement.

Other suspects whose extradition is sought are citizens of Serbia, Montenegro, Australia and the Philippines.

For your KK, KFAK, MP, USA, NK, AS, MM, ND, BR and NM

According to the media, among them is Ksenija Krstić, a native of the Philippines, who is pregnant and is in the custody of the Belgrade District Prison.

The US judicial authorities are looking for the suspects of the criminal acts of “conspiracy and fraud with the transfer of money”, which constitutes a violation of Chapter 18 of the United States Code, while the suspects KK, KFAK, MP, US , NK, AS, AS, MM and others. and for conspiracy to commit money laundering in violation of Chapter 18 of the United States Code, Section 1956 (h), the Belgrade High Court previously said.

They are suspected of being a criminal group organized from 2011 to July of this year, participating in the creation, promotion and organization of at least 16 fake investment platforms via the Internet and online websites, thus obtaining an illegal capital gain of more than 70 million dollars.

The group has found investors around the world, including those in the Northern District of Texas, who have invested in fake investment platforms for binary options where group members have created fake trading transactions, fake withdrawal certificates, and money transfer certificates. false. it is after his arrest.

Members of the organized criminal group agreed to invest, using false identities and false titles, via email or video conference to transfer their “investments” to international bank accounts linked to the group organizer.

After that, the group closed these fake investment platforms by order of the organizers and after a while reopened new ones with the same working method already developed.

It is suspected that the organizer and the members of this group obtained an illegal capital gain worth more than 70 million dollars.

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