Everyone has heard of this recipe and one girl decided to check its effectiveness. Gianluca Rousseau accepted the challenge of drinking only lemon water for a week. You have probably read about the many healing properties of lemon, which is also mentioned as a natural antibiotic, a boon for immunity, a natural antiseptic, relieves sore throats and menstrual cramps. According to some, lemon water also helps fight pimples. Rousseau drank 2.5 deciliters of water with half a lemon squeezed on an empty stomach for a week in the morning and already, she says, at the end of the challenge, she noticed that her skin was cleaner and clearer.

– Some recipes I found say that the water should be warm, but I was honestly fed up, so I decided on a cooler version and to my surprise I quickly saw the results. My face was clean of pimples, even small dark pigmentation spots, and my skin was nearly flawless – no swelling, no excess sebum, and no new dark spots. Also, it has become much smoother to the touch and much brighter – he described his experience.


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