7 corpses in the decomposition phase arrived in a container from Serbia! This is what happened (VIDEO AND DISTURBING PHOTO)


Paraguayan authorities announced that seven decomposing corpses were found in a container with agricultural fertilizer that was delivered from Serbia.

The container, which was removed from Serbia three months ago, arrived via Argentina earlier this week at a river port on the outskirts of the Paraguayan capital, Asunción.

Prosecutor Marcelo Saldívar said that the bodies of the deceased, who are considered blind passengers, were found today when the managers of the company that bought the product opened the container.

“There are seven so far. We start from the fact that they broke into the container to be transported here. Obviously, they did not calculate the distance well and did not survive the trip,” Saldívar said.

photo: AP Jorge Saenz

According to Saldívar, food, bags with clothes and a ventilation opening were found in the part of the container where the bodies were.

Saldívar emphasized that only hair and bones remained of the blind passengers.

The prosecutor added that Paraguayan authorities will contact colleagues in Serbia to identify the deceased.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
