62 new cases of the virus, 3 more died


KORONA LIVES IN SERBIA: 62 new cases of virus, 3 more died

Photo: Tamara Trajković, Ana Paunković, Shutterstock, Covid19.rs.

A total of 10,176 confirmed cases of COVID 19 were registered in the Republic of Serbia at 3 p.m. on May 11, 2020.

Since the last report, samples of 5,012 people have been analyzed, of which 62 are positive.

photo: AMG

A total of 145,604 people who met the criteria to define the case were evaluated at 3 pm in the Republic of Serbia.

Photo: Covid19.rs print screen

1,123 people were hospitalized, while there are currently 29 ventilator patients. 3,290 sick patients were cured.

In the last 24 hours, 3 people died. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic is 218. In the last 24 hours, the percentage of positive people in relation to the number of tests for coronavirus is 1.23 percent.

About gerontological centers in Nis

– When it comes to gerontology centers in Nis, there are only 7 nursing home patients in the Nis Clinical Center. About 200 patients were registered at two Nis gerontology centers, Dr. Predrag Kon said.

On new measures and trips abroad

– Tomorrow is the crisis staff meeting at 1 p.m. All those who enter our country must undergo a PCR test, and no longer than 72 hours. It all depends on the requirements of the countries you are traveling to, it is not yet fully defined how you will travel in the future.

On the period since the abolition of the state of emergency

– Relaxation is going too fast, but on the other hand, a large number of citizens respect the measures, but not so much. For Belgrade, I can say that I am very satisfied with the issue of respecting the recommendations on public transport. There are places where recommendations are absolutely respected, from cafes and restaurants, users and owners are respected, Kon said.

Lončar: The fair hospital will operate for at least another week.

The temporary hospital at the Fair will remain open for at least another week, says Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar, adding that in one week the “Banjica” Institute will discharge all greedy patients to their homes and that they will return to their homes. regular activities in two weeks. These are just some of the conclusions that were reached today in the ordinary session of the Minister of Health with the directors of greedy hospitals in Serbia.


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Author: Delivery courier
