6 most important changes to the law that are in the Assembly on Friday


Amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases and the Law on Misdemeanors will finally be in the Serbian Parliament on Friday, November 13, and two key innovations are related to the punishment of violations of measures on the ground, as well as greater coverage of the competent authorities. punishments.

The amendments to these two laws are necessary for Serbia to be able to seriously participate in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus, because, given our basic numbers, the fact that something was recommended to us as a measure and while there is no serious blow in the pocket obviously doesn’t help.

Here are the main news of the legal changes:

1. Greater coverage of the authorities in charge of issuing sentences

That is, as only the sanitary inspectors of the republic have had the authority to implement anti-epidemiological measures of crisis personnel until now, which is incredibly small, after these changes in the law, communal militiamen and communal inspectors of the city may sanction.

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

This means that they will be able to sanction any breach of anti-epidemiological measures, from the lack of respect for physical distance by not wearing protective equipment to the lack of disinfectants and the like in cafes, restaurants, discos …

The objective of these amendments to the law is not only to fine them, but also to force the population to respect epidemiological measures to prevent further spread of the virus.

Currently, sanctions for non-compliance with anti-epidemiological measures can only be imposed by the sanitary inspectors of the republic, of which there are only 140 in the entire territory of Serbia, which is really small if we take into account the amount of work what’s up.

If we take into account that only in Belgrade there are about 370 communal militiamen, and that 53 different municipal inspectors from the capital participated in the actions to control anti-epidemiological measures in the last three months, it is evident that the sanitary inspectors of the republic will receive a big boost.

2. Powers are not the same for everyone

With the amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, the communal inspectors of the city and the communal militiamen will not have all the authorizations of the sanitary inspectors, but only those who do not enter the medical profession.

More precisely, it will sanction those violations of anti-epidemiological measures that are visible to the layman.

For example, they may penalize discos for organizing parties in which, at first glance, it is clear that no one wears a mask or respects physical distance.

We remind you that municipal inspectors can currently only sanction non-compliance with the working day, in accordance with the Catering Law.

3. Punishment on the spot

When the reforms to the law are adopted in the Assembly, the communal militiaman or the communal inspector of the city (tourist, ecological, market…) will be able to write a sentence on the spot for those who do not respect the prescribed epidemiological measures.

Thus, they will be authorized to impose a fine of 5,000 dinars on the spot to anyone who, for example, does not wear a mask inside or does not respect the prescribed physical distance.

In addition, the city communal inspector or communal militiaman may issue a fine to a legal entity on site if, for example, there is not enough space between tables in the catering facility or there are more guests than allowed in relation to square feet. The fines for a legal entity range from 50,000 to 500,000 dinars.

The misdemeanor order will work like the one we pay for inadequate parking: within eight days it will be possible to pay half the fine.

4. The concept of home quarantine is also specified.

The Law will also specify the notion of home quarantine – Tamara Stojčević, Deputy Secretary of the Government of Serbia and a member of the working group for the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, told “Blic” previously.

He emphasized that these are only urgent changes, pointing out that this Law must be harmonized with the recommendations and regulations of the World Health Organization.

5. Whoever does not pay the fine can also go to prison

Anyone fined for not wearing a mask indoors has the opportunity to pay half (2,500 dinars) immediately or within eight days or file a request for a court decision within that period.

If the person does not pay the fine within eight days or does not file a request for a court decision, the final order of execution reaches the court. Said order is executed by suspending the fined part of the salary through the employer, blocking the account until payment of the fine or changing the fine imposed for work in the public interest (eight hours of work in the public interest for 1,000 dinars) or prison at the beginning of a day equal to fines of 1,000 dinars.

6. Penalties on pepper

The amount of the fine depends on whether it is a natural or legal person, businessmen or authorized persons in the legal sense.

  • 50,000-150,000 dinars for one person
  • 50,000-500,000 dinars for a legal entity
  • 50,000-150,000 dinars for an authorized person in a legal entity
  • 50,000-150,000 dinars for entrepreneurs

VIDEO: Mandatory masks in transport and indoors in Belgrade
