6 more properties from Djilas’ brother, tycoon Gojko, were found: there are a total of 35! (LIST)



28.11.2020. 19:58 – 28.11.2020. 20:12

Gojko and Dragan Djilas

Gojko and Dragan Djilas, Photo: Alo.rs

After it was announced that Dragan Đilas’ brother Gojko owns up to 29 properties in central Belgrade, Objektiv’s editorial office had a new insight: Gojko has six more properties, three of which are in Belgrade and three in other cities in Serbia.

Therefore, the Gojko property, at least the one that has been discovered so far, has grown in real estate only from number 29 to 35, that is, at least another 2,600 square meters!

Apart from Belgrade, these properties are also located in Kikinda, Bor and Majdanpek, which means that the Djilas brothers did not stay in expanding their empire only within the Serbian capital.

Namely, the Multikom company, whose legal representative was Gojko Đilas until November 2014 (when he transferred those rights to his brother Dragan), it also has these six properties:

1. Commercial space in Kikinda of 2,000 square meters
2. Apartment in Dobračina in Belgrade of 65 square meters
3. Apartment in Bor, in Šistekova, 41 square meters
4. Apartment in Majdanpek, in the Youth Brigades, 48 ​​square meters
5. Apartment in Kumanovska in Belgrade (unknown area)
6. Plot in Vracar in Belgrade of 472 square meters

Recall, the Lens previously announced that it is Gojko Đilas personally or through his companies owns these 29 properties:

1. Apartment in Calle Simina of 91 square meters
2. Apartment in Gramsija 56 square meters
3. Apartment in Dusan Radovic 48 square meters
4. Apartment in Belgrade 91 square meters
5. Apartment in Borislav Pekić 43 square meters
6. Shop in Požarevacka 15 square meters
7. Apartment in Gospodar Jovanova 55 square meters
8. Apartment in Dimitrija Tucovića 67 square meters
9.-14. Five apartments in a building on Velisava Vujovića street of 127 square meters each
15.-16. Two apartments in Velisav Vujović of 25 square meters each
17.-23. Seven garages in V. Vujović of 12 square meters each
24. Apartment in Gospodar Jevremova 143 square meters
25. Apartment in Kornelija Stankovića of 61 square meters
26. Apartment in Svetozara Markovića of 105 square meters
27. Apartment in Jevrem Grujić 160 square meters
28-29. Two garages at George Stanojevic of 11 square meters

Furthermore, Objektiv has so far revealed how the Djilas brothers have always tried to cheat money and property ownership traces, transferring management rights in their companies from one company to another and ownership from one company to another.
