6 dogs were poisoned, only Gara was saved, the neighbors in fear


“The dogs were dying in our lap, we held them, trying to help them, but to no avail. They were shaking, experiencing epileptic seizures and within half an hour they were dying.”

This is the story of Ranko from Sremčica, who was visibly shocked after six dogs were poisoned in front of the buildings from entrance numbers 12 to 24 in this settlement on Thomas Edison Street.

As Ranko points out, for the third day now, someone has been systematically killing puppies and suspects that the number of poisoned dogs is certainly higher, as they do not know where some of the dogs in the area are.

– This is genocide against innocent beings! I can’t understand that diseased brain that can kill one dog at a time every day. So what are you willing to do to a man? Ranko asks.

Describe the terrifying scenes that neighbors encountered in recent days.

– Imagine that catastrophe when you see the corpses of dogs covered with white sheets. It’s a tragedy! The dogs trembled and fell down the hill. A neighbor who has a pregnant wife witnessed such a scene and tried to save the cubs, but there was no rescue. The child was traumatized by everything – says our interlocutor.

“We take care of them for 7 years”

He explains that they are not stray dogs, but were part of the family of many residents of this part of Sremčica.

– They were neutered and vaccinated puppies. We take care of them for seven years, we treat them. They were part of us. As real pets, we just didn’t have the space to adopt them, but when it was winter we introduced them to our apartment. We are very attached to them, dogs are simply best friends – says Ranko.

He adds that in seven years there have never been problems, nor have these dogs been in danger of extinction.

– They were beautiful. In fact, they have never hurt anyone or God forbid they have bitten anyone. Rather, they were like our pets and that is how we treat them. Normally, it happened that they barked in droves at night, but none of the neighbors complained about them – he says.

“No one did not cry”

As he says, the entire settlement was shaken by the tragedy that befell them.

– I’ve been taking tranquilizers for three days and I can’t see reason. But I am just an example, all the neighbors are suffering, no one cried when they saw the scene, the pregnant women ended up in the doctor’s office due to stress. We cry our souls … The children are crying in the neighborhood, they were playing with those dogs, and we always went for a walk with them. When men in the Balkans cry, then it becomes clear to them how tragedy this is for us – says Ranko.

He points out that hush and silence reigned on Thomas Edison Street.

– There has been an eerie silence here since they left. Those dogs gave this settlement some charm, and now you can only hear the trumpeting of cars – Ranko says with a trembling voice.

Only Gara was saved

Ranko notes that the neighbors managed to save one of the pets, Garu, who was also poisoned.

– Gara began to fall, but a boy noticed in time and immediately gave him water and shook it to get all the poison out of it. Fortunately, Gara is fine now, at first she limped and today she is already lying in the sun – says the interlocutor.

“We are afraid for our pets”

Our interlocutor notes that fellow citizens in this part of Sremčica are seriously concerned about their pets.

– We fear for the safety of our dogs. No one took their cat or dog for a walk today, because we don’t know where the poison was spilled. We want this to stop and find a person who kills innocent beings – he says.

He adds that he does not know who could be the author of such a crime, but says that there are neighbors who suspect certain people.

– Personally, I don’t know anything about it, nor do I know anyone who was molested by dogs. I can’t understand that someone can do that. We call the veterinary service and send for the autopsy of the dog’s body. We hope that the cameras of the surrounding buildings record something and that we get in the way of those who killed our dogs – says Ranko.

(Kurir.rs/ Blic)

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Author: delivery courier
