55 million euro project: see what the Line Park will be like PHOTO


Belgrade – Belgrade’s chief urban planner, Marko Stoji, stated that the construction of the Line Park should begin by the end of next year.

Source: B92

Photo: Beoinfo

Photo: Beoinfo

The park will cover an area of ​​4.6 square kilometers and the works will take about two and a half years, Stoji told Studio B.

“The Parque de la Línea will have ten units. The conceptual designs were made by 55 young people, who qualified through the procedure we carried out at the beginning of the year. These ten units are a functional unit that makes up the Parque de la Línea and begins thirty meters from the Concrete Hall and ends near the Panevac bridge, which includes the old railway, which has not been in operation since we started to build Belgrade on the water, then the railway network was completely changed, so we finally managed penetrate from the urban parts of the city to the Sava, and now through the Line Park. We are doing this only on the Danube side, so for the first time since that part of Belgrade was built, we will be able to cross the Danube through quiet bike and bicycle corridors. Being real parks in the image of New York, Paris, Valencia, “explains Stoji, according to Beoinfo.

Photo: Beoinfo

Photo: Beoinfo

According to his regime, the Line Park will completely transform the entire 4.6-kilometer fabric.

Photo: Beoinfo

Photo: Beoinfo

“The line park occupies a public area where there used to be a railway and all the parcels are owned by the city of Belgrade or the Republic of Serbia, but additionally we will enter settlements on both sides whenever possible to connect it with existing open spaces in residential areas. The idea is that at some point the entire part of the city of 4.6 kilometers and one kilometer will be rehabilitated, but now we are moving. We hope that the tender for the execution of the works will be successful, which again includes construction in full, because we have “A lot of buildings that need to be removed, property legal proceedings should start at the end of January this year, so it will certainly take two to three years,” Stoji said.

Photo: Beoinfo

Photo: Beoinfo

As you said, we are working on the conceptual design, we are working on a detailed regulatory plan, we have provided funding for the project documentation to be released, that is, the hiring will probably be released in early February.

“As soon as it is ready, we will move on to the next phase, contracting for execution. The phases will depend on the evaluation of the property process that we must carry out for each of the facilities. Depending on that speed, we will see which unit will be first, second, third. , but it will probably be done in two phases, and maybe three. When the floodwaters are flooded, we will try to solve it with this intervention. Certainly, each unit has its own problems, mostly in the legal sense of ownership, and the challenge will be the connections of traffic because the Line The park is 4.6 kilometers long and is not crossed by road traffic, which means that we will have underpasses or some other means of crossing everywhere, but pedestrians and cyclists will continue the 4.6 kilometers . to function, “Stoji emphasized.

Photo: Beoinfo

Photo: Beoinfo

It is estimated, Stoji added, that the value of this project is around 55 million euros and said the park will have a drastic impact on the development of Belgrade. He also said that a four-minute film has been prepared about this park so that citizens can see where the territory it covers is, as well as the idea regarding carrying out works in that movement.
