51 PEOPLE PAST THE CROWN Accusation brought against the director of the Gerontology Center in Nis!


The prosecution also asked the court to extend Stevanovic’s detention since his arrest on April 13.

The spokesman for the Prosecutor’s Office, Borislav Radonjic, specified that the accusation was made against the accused due to the existence of justified suspicion that he committed a serious crime against human health in relation to the crime of transmission of a contagious disease.

The crime for which he is charged is punishable by at least two to 12 years in prison.

The accusation was presented to the court for confirmation on Thursday.

The prosecution also proposed the extension of custody for the accused, taking into account the amount of the threatened sentence, the severity and the consequence of the criminal act, that 51 people died and that this act generated public discomfort, Radonjic added.

At the hearing at the prosecutor’s office after the arrest, Stevanović denied his guilt.

It is suspected that he did not take all the necessary measures and actions to prevent the spread of the infectious disease kovid-19, so that 135 users of the service and four employees were infected at the Gerontology Center.

51 people died.

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