In a new interesting section of the portal Pink.rs, entitled “The greatest secrets of the cooperative leader”, also participated Dragan Marinkovic Maca.
He shared with us interesting things and events in his life that he has not talked about until now.
Photo: Pink.rs/O. Bogdanović
The biggest secret of my life is that I was born on planet Earth for the seventh time. Before that, I was born on Jupiter fourteen times. In past lives, I was Caligula, Nero and Genghis Khan – said Maca.
The second biggest secret is something that I don’t usually reveal to anyone. I have a boyfriend for ten years and we are in a stable relationship – he joked.
Photo: Pink Printscreen TV
The host then revealed some of his talents that no one could have guessed.
I play tennis and I am very successful at it. For two years now, I am even third on the ATP list, Maca boasted.
In my spare time I work for a German telephone line, my wife does not know that, now she finds out – he added.
Photo: Pink Printscreen TV
He then shared with us the issues he’s struggling with.
My wife hits me, I suffer from domestic violence. With a rolling pin most of the time, make a cake first and then bang! A true housewife! – Marinkovic joked.
Maca was very selfish when it came to the secrets of his life, so he responded to this topic as he usually does better: with a joke.
Author: MI