Yesterday a record black corona virus was recorded in Serbia with 512 infected in 24 hours, which is the largest number since the beginning of the epidemic, and up to 240 are from Belgrade.
Since the last report, samples from 7,425 people have been analyzed and one person died. There are 490 people in the hospital, 27 of whom are wearing respirators.
Since the beginning of the kovida-19 pandemic, 1,256,531 people have been tested and 37,120 have become ill. A total of 781 patients died and the mortality rate was 2.10 percent.

10.37 – Rasina District: 22 infected, more than half in Aleksandrovac
According to the latest report from the Krusevac Public Health Institute, 22 people were infected with the corona virus in the Rasina district territory, the majority in Aleksandrovac, 12. The local self-government in Župa reacted urgently and introduced an emergency situation. Among those infected are six from Krusevac and four from Trstenik. Compared with the previous days, the number of patients remains unchanged in Brus (116), Varvarin (69) and Ćićevac (56). (Ž.M.)
10.13 – 11 newly infected people in Pčinja district
The number of first examinations in the kovid clinic in Vranje has been an average of 40 since the beginning of the month, the number of hospitalized in the kovid hospital is 33. Dr. Svetlana Stojanović, director of the Institute of Public Health in Vranje, says that 45 people were tested in the Pčinja district on Wednesday. There are 11 positives: seven from Vranje, three from Bujanovac and one from Surdulica. The proximity of the border does its thing and the fact that our citizens can now enter North Macedonia without a CP test. The risk, he says, is if they don’t wear masks, they don’t keep their distance, they don’t wash their hands. (RTS)
10.05 – Ivanuša: The effect of the new measures is visible only in 2 weeks
The director of the World Health Organization office for Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said this morning that if certain more restrictive measures are adopted today in the crisis staff session, their effect will be visible in a week or two, and for therefore he pointed out the importance of distance and wearing masks.
9.48 – A patient on a respirator in Užice hospital
Three positive and suspected covid-19 patients were hospitalized in Uzice hospital, two are in intensive care, one of whom is connected to a ventilator, said the PR of the Uzice Health Center, Danijela Vasiljevic. The same number of patients were hospitalized yesterday at the Uzice hospital. Vasiljevic also claimed that 17 patients were housed in the Krcagovo temporary hospital, three fewer than yesterday.
9.20 – Djerlek: No movement restriction is considered
Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health Mirsad Đerlek says that at the moment, there are no thoughts of restricting the movement of citizens due to the increased number of people infected with the corona virus. However, he stated that if the epidemiological situation drastically worsens, it will certainly be considered.
8.53 – Epidemiologist Petrović: The measures are not bad, but the implementation
Epidemiologist Radmilo Petrovic says that the corona virus is present in large numbers in the air and that every available vaccine, no matter which one, produces far fewer side effects than encounters with the virus.
8.44 – Since the beginning of the epidemic in Tirsova, there have been 6 children on a respirator
Six children have been on the respirator of the Tirsova University Children’s Clinic since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, all recovered and went home, says the director of that health institution, Sinisa Ducic. He said that Tiršova was not in the covid system, that children infected with the corona virus were treated at the Dragiša Mišović Clinical Hospital, but that by decision of the Commission of Experts of the Republic they were declared a hospital where the most covid patients will be treated. severe, patients requiring a respirator.
“A child came mainly due to a covid infection in our country, four patients were referred from other institutions for complications of covid infections and a newborn was referred requiring respiratory assistance whose mother was kovid positive, the child was kovid negative Ducic said. .
8.30 am – Vranje: 31 hospitalized, 14 positive in the crown
31 patients were hospitalized at the kovid hospital of the Vranje Health Center, of which 14 tested positive for coronavirus, it was posted on the city’s website. There are 23 patients with bronchopneumonia and 10 with oxygen. Five patients were admitted, seven were discharged, one of whom was transferred to the Nis Clinical Center. There are no children among those hospitalized and the current number of free beds is 149. 75 examinations were performed in the ATD ambulance on Wednesday and the total number of first examinations was 38. Blood samples were taken from 62 patients and 42 X-rays were taken of the lungs. 18 PCR and 50 rapid tests were performed and bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in 9 patients. (TS)
8.00- Dr. Kon announces new measures
Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said last night that the number of new infections in the country is worrying and that tomorrow’s meeting of crisis personnel is necessary to determine new measures in the fight against the corona virus, stating that the introduction of mandatory PCR tests it is safe for all who enter Serbia.
7.47 – Dr. Janković spoke before the crisis staff session.
Crisis staff member immunologist Srdja Jankovic confirmed that a crisis staff session will take place today. He affirmed that the epidemiological situation in the country is being monitored and that new reactions will be taken accordingly, but that now measures such as restrictions on circulation are not being considered.
The World Health Organization states on its official website that the virus starts with a fever, followed by a dry cough, and after a week it causes shortness of breath, and then patients need hospital treatment. Some of the symptoms that are also listed are headache, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.
Regarding temperature, the WHO states that there is usually a gradual increase in body temperature. In people with weaker immunity, in older people and young children, there is a possibility that this virus can affect the lower respiratory organs, which is why pneumonia or bronchitis can develop.
Make sure you take precautions
* Avoid contact with people who show signs of respiratory infection (cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever);
* Avoid mass meetings and stays in a space where there are a large number of people;
* Increase hand hygiene (wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if this is not possible, use alcoholic gels to disinfect hands, especially after contact with sick people or staying in a potentially dangerous area;
* It is recommended to wear masks before the mouth and nose if staying in an area where there are massive concentrations;
* It is mandatory to adhere to protective measures against the transmission of infection in all people who feel the symptoms of a respiratory infection.
* Avoid contact with live or dead domestic or wild animals.

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