3,000 compensation decisions made


BELGRADE – The Restitution Agency expects that the compensation ratio of the heirs of the owner of the confiscated property will be determined by the end of the year, after which the advance payment of 10 percent of the amount provided for compensation can begin immediately.

So far, he says, the head of the Restitution Agency, Strahinja Sekulic, has made 3,000 decisions on the right to compensation.

photo: Tanjug / Filip Krainčanić

“According to our estimates, a total of about 9,000 compensation decisions will be made by the end of the restitution procedure,” he said, hoping that the Serbian government will determine the coefficient by the end of this year. Sekulic says that immediately after that, the Restitution Agency can make additional decisions and start paying the advance.

“Everything depends not only on someone’s goodwill, but also on the objective possibilities of the budget and planning. In any case, it is now in the hands of the Ministry of Finance, which will prepare a decision for the government and of course will do everything. possible for the checkout process to be efficient, “Sekulic said. .

The deadline for determining the coefficient was March 2020, and the Ministry of Finance told Tanjug that in the next period, all necessary acts will be prepared to allow further unhindered realization of the right to compensation. The law on the return of confiscated property and compensation provides for a compensation fund of two billion euros, while the total value of the assets is estimated at 13.4 billion euros. The law limits the maximum that a person can receive, regardless of the total value of the confiscated property, to half a million euros.

According to Sekulic, the Agency has a total of 75,000 cases related to civil restitution and decisions were made in 68,000 cases. “This means that the procedure is already somewhere at the beginning of the full phase. Natural restitution is almost over, except for agricultural land in Vojvodina,” Sekulic said, adding that natural restitution in Vojvodina will be completed in the next few two years.

photo: Tanjug / Filip Krainčanić

It says that the procedure is in the same phase uniformly in all Serbian cities. He noted that the largest number of installations were in Belgrade and Vojvodina, but also in other cities in Serbia. “There is hardly any city in Serbia without property being returned,” Sekulic said.

Asked about compensation to the Karadjordjevic family, Sekulic says full documentation has been compiled and decision-making can begin later this year. “Next year we will finish everything. We have opened archive plans, facility plans, the complete documentation is now in one place and we are starting to make a decision, ”said Sekulic.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

He stated that the White House assessment can be expected over the next year.

“We also collected all the documentation there. Until recently, we searched and collected, it was not easy, but everything is there and we look forward to it next year,” says Sekulic.


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