3.1 million envelopes have arrived so far, they can still be shipped today!


The first draw within the Take the bill and win prize game in 2020 will take place tomorrow at 5:55 p.m., with a live broadcast on the first program of Serbian Radio Television.

Citizens still have time to send envelopes with at least 10 bills or receipts. All the envelopes that were placed in the mailboxes in a timely manner according to the working hours of post offices across Serbia, will be found tomorrow in the studio pool and will compete for valuable prizes.

photo: Dado Đilas

In tomorrow’s draw, 5 FIAT 500L cars and an apartment in Belgrade, in the Zemunska kapija settlement, will be awarded. The lucky winners will be selected by tennis player Olga Danilović.

At this time, up to 3,150,000 envelopes have arrived at the address “Take the invoice and win 2020”. All packs shipped from October 15th will be in the pool until the end of the game’s second prize round and will compete for prizes the entire time.

photo: print screen

Citizens who send envelopes with 10 tax invoices or 10 vouchers, no earlier than September 1, 2020, with a minimum individual amount of 100 dinars, have the right to participate in the prize game organized by the Government of Serbia and supported by NALED . Tax invoices and receipts should not be mixed in the same envelope. On the back of the envelope it is necessary to write the name and surname, address of personal documents and contact telephone number, while on the other side it is enough to write “Take the invoice and win 2020”. All adult citizens of Serbia are entitled to participate, while envelope shipping is free, no stamp is required.

The Government of Serbia once again reminds citizens that participation in the prize game is epidemiologically safe and does not mean waiting in line or entering post offices.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
