250,000 doses of the Russian vaccine are arriving, and Astra-Zenekina is also expected soon


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that 250,000 “Sputnik V” vaccines will arrive in Serbia today or tomorrow, and that the fourth coronavirus vaccine from the manufacturer Astra-Zenek is expected to be obtained soon through Poland.

At the beginning of the session of the state leadership and the Vaccination Task Force, which he chairs, Vučić said that Serbia was the first in the region to pay for the Covax program, but that it did not receive any vaccines from that program and that he believed that the The EU “would understand the needs of the Western Balkans”. .

“Vaccination is of great importance for Serbia, without vaccination we will never win the crown, not only in terms of health but also economically, we will push the country to the brink of an abyss,” Vucic said.

He called on citizens to request vaccination as much as possible, valuing that registering the day before is a possible salvation, adding that it will help save lives and make Serbia the first economy in Europe in terms of growth in 2021.

Vučić announced that “he will most likely be vaccinated over the weekend” with the Chinese vaccine against covid-19.

Vučić specified that 200,000 vaccines of the first and 50,000 second doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine will arrive in Serbia during the week, adding that the mass vaccination with Sinofarm’s Knesk vaccine will begin today.

He also announced the signing of a tripartite agreement with Poland and AstroZenek for the supply of 800,000 doses of the vaccine from Poland.

The most modern information system

Vučić said that the most modern information system was made, so that for each coronavirus vaccine that was purchased, it is known who received it, when and where it was received.

He said that 97 percent of the elderly, users of gerontology centers, requested vaccination against the coronavirus.

Vučić called on the Ministries of Education, Defense, Interior and Health to vaccinate people in those systems and said that people in public companies, such as postmen and EPS workers, should also be vaccinated.

Vučić asked the Torlak Institute not to store the vaccines in refrigerators, but to share them, claiming that they asked why the Russian vaccine was not divided, which was said to be divided, and only 388 doses turned out to be divided.

In the end, Vučić said that a team of a doctor and two nurses can vaccinate 75 people in five hours, for the duration of their shift.

One million vaccines arrived and more than six million were agreed

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said that Serbia has so far purchased 1,054,950 coronavirus vaccines and that it has signed a contract and that it paid, in advance and in the first delivery, more than six million doses.

He said at the meeting of the highest state authority and the Vaccination Operational Team that the new vaccination monitoring system allows monitoring everything, from the moment the vaccine arrives until the moment when all citizens are vaccinated.

“The challenge is how to administer these vaccines, how to vaccinate as many people as possible.” This system allows us to monitor everything for the first time, from the moment the vaccine arrives in Serbia, until the moment it reaches two warehouses. , RFZO and ‘Torlak’, and until it comes from the warehouse to the health centers, “said Brnabić.

According to her, a mass vaccination begins today and a large point will be opened at the Belgrade Fair, and the first members of the Ministry of the Interior, the Serbian army and other security services will be vaccinated.

Ana Brnabić pointed out that the goal of the system is to vaccinate as many citizens as possible as soon as possible and to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister appealed to the citizens of Serbia to request vaccination through e-government or by phone, because that is the fastest way for people to get vaccinated.

Each citizen will receive a printed vaccination certificate.

The system of registration, scheduling, monitoring of vaccines and immunization of the population of Serbia against the coronavirus makes it possible to monitor each bottle of vaccine from the moment of entering Serbia until the moment of delivery, said the director of the Government Office for the Electronic Government, Mihajlo Jovanovic.

He said that all of Serbia, ALIMS, central warehouses, springboard, regional and local warehouses work on the system.

Jovanovic explained that immunization monitoring is part of the system and that every citizen is registered to know when they received the first vaccine and when they receive the second dose.

Citizens receive an invitation for vaccination via SMS or email, where the time and place of vaccination are located, Jovanović said, adding that after vaccination, citizens receive a printed confirmation with information about the vaccine.

He indicated that a model was developed for the mass vaccination process at the Fair and that areas were created for citizens to move through the checkpoints.

Cities ready for vaccination

At the session, the Mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, said that Belgrade was preparing checkpoints, that call centers in the municipalities would start working in coordination with the city’s call center, and that volunteers were being mobilized to help in call centers.

Novi Sad Mayor Miloš Vučević said that the Novi Sad Fair hall is ready, there are eight plus two points for vaccination, as well as final works being completed today.

The mayor of Nis, Dragana Sotirovski, pointed out that Nis is also ready with checkpoints that are accessible, that there are 20 teams with about 80 people, as if all those who were registered in the gerontology centers were vaccinated. She announced that tomorrow she will be vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine.

Kragujevac Mayor Nikola Dasic said that the Health Center had made a vaccination plan, that it had 32 teams in nine points in the city, and that a mass vaccination point was planned in the town hall.

The mayors of Subotica, Leskovac and Krusevac also joined the session via a video link.

Vaccination of members of the army and police.

Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated that Interior Ministry employees understand the need for vaccination against the corona virus, and that 9,366 interested persons have so far requested.

Vulin said that 1,691 members of the Interior Ministry are currently in isolation due to coronavirus infection, that 12,684 members have been cured of kovid-19 since the start of the epidemic, while 51 members of the Interior Ministry have died from it. disease.

Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic claimed that a large number of members of the military are requesting vaccination against the corona virus, as well as that members of the military are fully ready for vaccination.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
