2,500 young farmers will be paid, qualifying list this afternoon


NEDIMOVIC: 2,500 young farmers to be paid, qualifying list this afternoon

Photo: Shutterstock, Kurir TV

Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimović declared today that 2,500 young farmers, who applied for non-reimbursable funds with the state, will receive 12,000 euros each for their production.

“Today, at 12 o’clock, the ranking list of young farmers who applied will be published, and there were more than 5,000 applications,” said Nedimović.

He assessed that it is important for the state to recognize young people in environments that have been devastated and added that twice as much money is invested in young people as in previous years.

“In the top ten of the list are the municipalities of Zitoradja, Blace, Merosina, these are the areas where we need people,” he told TV Prva, adding that he is investing in the sectors that are needed.


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