2,412 new infected, more than 1,000 in Belgrade. 6 died


LAST SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA, BLACK RECORD BROKEN: 2,412 new infected, more than 1,000 in Belgrade!  6 died

Photo: covid19.rs, Shutterstock

In the last 24 hours, 12,617 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 2,412 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 6 people died.

There are 53 ventilator patients in hospitals across Serbia.

Infected by cities: Belgrade 1,106 (46%), Novi Sad 167, Valjevo 66, Kragujevac 64, Kladovo 59, Nis 59, Kraljevo 48, Sabac 36, Arandjelovac 30, others less than 30.

More than 2,000 patients are currently receiving hospital treatment in Serbia, says Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

– Without a doubt, the epidemiological situation will worsen. We have seen it all over Europe. Every day is important to us until we finish two new covid hospitals, in Belgrade and Krusevac, and then it will be easier for our healthcare system and it will be easier for citizens who have to be treated for other diseases. That will be early December – said Brnabić.

photo: covid19.rs

The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Team, Dr. Predrag Kon, said today that the situation in Belgrade is unfavorable, with a tendency to worsen. According to him, the coronavirus will be very active in the capital this week and next, from where it will spread to other countries. Kon says it is very important to apply epidemiological measures, especially to wear masks and reduce the influx of people to hospitals.

In Bor, 16 new infected, a total of 131

In the last 24 hours, 16 new cases of the virus have been registered in Bor, and to date, the total number of infected in that city is 131, according to data from the “Timok” Institute of Public Health, published on the website from the city. The authorities of the city’s health institutions emphasize that it is necessary for all citizens to adhere to the measures prescribed by the Crisis Personnel of the Republic to preserve their own health and that of their loved ones.


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