24 died, more and more patients on respirators, another 4,595 newly infected


In the previous 24 hours, 17,049 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 4,595 of whom were recently infected.

Unfortunately, 24 patients died. There are currently 213 patients on ventilators in Serbian hospitals.

It should be remembered that yesterday 16,929 citizens were tested, of which 4,590 tested positive for kovid, 21 patients died and there were up to 212 patients on respirators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

To date, 1,827,340 vaccines have been administered at 3:00 p.m. and 666,146 citizens have received the second dose.

Belgrade remains the largest access point (1,434), followed by Nis (308), Novi Sad (233), Kragujevac (173) and Kraljevo (122).

Sixth on today’s infamous list is Vranje (104), followed by Pancevo (87), Krusevac (68), Uzice (67), Subotica (65), Aleksinac (59), Paracin (56), Zrenjanin (51) , Cacak. ), Aleksandrovac (44), Smederevo (44), Novi Pazar (43), Stara Pazova (43), Smederevska Palanka (39), Leskovac (39), Valjevo (38), Ćuprija (35), Kikinda (35), Arandjelovac (35), Sabac (34), Jagodina (33), Gornji Milanovac (32), Becej (31) and Backa Palanka (31).

Other cities and municipalities had fewer than 30 newly infected in the previous 24 hours.

According to Kurir, a new session of crisis personnel will be held on Friday at 11 a.m. to fight the corona virus.

New and stricter measures are expected to be adopted next weekend, considering that the epidemic situation is worsening. This was previously announced by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

The Prime Minister said she will insist that all concerts be canceled and that there will almost certainly be new measures for the weekend.


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Author: delivery courier
