220 kilograms of drugs and 2 guns found in grandfather’s basement (KURIR TV)


The police arrested Ž. V. (72) from Prosek village near Nis on suspicion of producing and selling drugs, and up to 220 kilograms of marijuana were found in his home!

photo: MUP Srbije

According to the Interior Ministry, the action was carried out by members of the UCP, and in addition to narcotics, by the suspect Ž. V. Weapons and cigarettes were confiscated.

Ready for sale

photo: MUP Srbije

– 185 packages of marijuana were found in the family home, which is suspected of being intended for sale in the Nis territory. Two silenced pistols were seized, as well as 850 packs of cigarettes, for which criminal charges will be brought against the suspect for illegal possession of weapons, but also for illegal trade, the police statement read, adding that the suspect was detained. up to 48 hours. after which he will be taken to the Nis Superior Prosecutor’s Office for questioning.

photo: MUP Srbije

The residents of the town of Prosek were astonished yesterday after the arrest of their neighbor. As they say, no one can believe that Ž is in the house. V. found so many drugs.

– I know Ž. V. He was born here, he is a good man and there was never any indication that he could do illegal business, much less sell narcotics, says Suzana Vukić, who works in a local store.

She says that until his retirement, the boy worked in a company in Nis and that his wife passed away.

– I’m really surprised that the police found everything with him, from what I heard, in the basement. That must be investigated well, because it never belonged to the criminal milieu – says the astonished neighbor and adds:

– He has a son who, to my knowledge, was abroad, so he had a caterer here, so he went abroad again. We haven’t seen him here in a long time.

A complete mystery

photo: marko smiljanic

A Prosek resident notes that the arrest of Ž. V. for them a complete mystery.

– He has a basement in the house, and there is another one outside the house, which I don’t know if he has visited since his wife died. There’s a lot of talk, maybe someone planted those packages in the basement, maybe someone hid them in that basement. There may be a thousand and one options, but no normal person can believe that he is a trafficker: the neighbors of the detained person are explicit.

According to them, the town of Prosek is located in Nisava and is a frequent destination for tourists.

– We believe more that someone hid those goods with Ž. V., without him having any idea about it. I hope the truth is proven – added the neighbor.

photo: marko smiljanic

The house is modest

There is no facade

The house in Prosek where marijuana was found is quite modest and seems abandoned.

– It has not been reformed for years, it is seen that the owner is not, as they say, well off. And the door is old, there is no facade, it is only plastered. I don’t know what to think – says a local.

Police Minister

The drug dealer is the murderer of our children

Praising the work of members of the police, Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that there is no greater evil than drugs.

– Every drug trafficker is the murderer of our children and that is how we should think of them. UKP members achieved another victory in the war on drugs, and that is a war that will not stop being fought. Serbia will never be a safe place for drug dealers and drug dealers, that’s why we are here – said Minister Vulin.

Kurir.rs – Marko Smiljkovic; Photo: Ministry of the Interior of Serbia, Marko Smiljković

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
