2,000 PEOPLE DISAPPEAR ANNUALLY IN SERBIA They disappear for various reasons: intentional, involuntary, forced


Representatives of the Tijana Jurić Foundation warned today, on the occasion of the International Day of the Disappeared, that an average of three people disappear in Serbia every day, which, as they say, is a worrying statistic.

An estimated 1,500 to 2,000 people go missing in Serbia every year, said representatives of the foundation, which is fighting for Serbia to obtain a public record of the missing in an effort to get the whole of society actively involved in the search for them.

Only the names of 75 missing persons in Serbia are registered in the existing registry, the Foundation claims, adding that despite all the serious data announced by the police, it never specified the number of missing persons, nor did it make a record of missing persons.

– Are they someone’s mothers, sisters, fathers, grandparents, sons, daughters? People disappear for various reasons: intentional, unintentional, forced, they say.

The Foundation recalls that the causes of the disappearance of people and children can be anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses, dementia, homelessness, domestic violence, natural disasters or crime.

The Foundation considers that it is not enough to talk about the disappeared only on the International Day of the Disappeared, because these people should not be forgotten.

They add that today the premiere of the video made by the Foundation will be broadcast, inviting both institutions and society to address this problem in a systematic way and with a dose of seriousness that has not been visible so far.

Igor Juric_230818_ photo or grandfather (2)Photo: O. Bunić / RAS Serbia
Igor Juric_230818_ photo or grandfather (2)

The registry would be of great importance in the future because the whole society could actively participate in the search, since the public would have knowledge that a person is missing.

And not only that, the State would thus institutionally show empathy and understanding towards the family of the disappeared person, and not, as before, hide the problem under the rug and let the families face the loss on their own.

VIDEO: Igor Juric after the approval of the Law of life imprisonment for murderers of children
