2,000 cases a day would not be a surprise, the number of deaths will become TWO DIGITS


In recent days, there has been a sharp increase in the number of people infected with the corona virus, and as noted by epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, the amount of corona infected with the virus is expected to continue to grow over the next ten days and it could reach more than 2,000 new cases a day. the number of deaths from Kovid-19 becomes double digits.

– We have a significant deterioration of the situation, especially in Belgrade, where 980 cases were registered yesterday, which shows an absolute increase day by day. There was no respite on any day in the sense that there was no increase. It is a classic exponential increase and that is what should have been avoided at all costs, but sadly we did not achieve it. That increase absolutely shows what will happen in the next few days. A larger number of patients can be expected in this and part of next week, and next Saturday 2,000 cases would not be a surprise – said Dr. Kon on “Pink” television.

He added that now that the incubation period has passed, we see the fallout from last weekend.

– The frequency of contact is seen after seven days. And tomorrow we will have a slight decrease in the numbers because fewer people are being tested on weekends, but that apparent decrease will be less than before, Kon added.

He also mentioned that he asked for the official ban on contacts, considering that the measures in the form of recommendations are not respected enough.

– When we do not fully respect the measures, the way out of the situation is to avoid contacts altogether. I once said that we should officially implement the ban on contacts and make sure that what we ask for is implemented – said Kon, adding that the restrictive measures regarding the meeting place and the limitation of the number of people who can do so should have been implemented this Weekend. In those places.

He points out that during the weekend alone, there are 9,800 more people who go out into the world with the virus and are in a situation where they can transmit it. Therefore, the transmission sites are clearly defined as indoor collection sites and therefore the virus is transmitted without hindrance.

He stated that for now, there is no dramatic increase in the number of deaths, but that based on the new cases recorded per day, this number can be expected to soon reach double digits.

He warned that the filling of hospitals, which is expected, will lead to a critical situation, adding that for now only patients with a severe and moderate clinical picture are admitted.

– In hospitals, we have 15 percent of patients with a more serious clinical picture, of which five percent are on respirators – explains Dr. Kon.

As he emphasized, most of the patients are in home isolation, while moderate and severe cases are admitted for hospital treatment.

– Next week the filling of the capacity of the hospitals will be accelerated, but we also have the Arena available as a temporary hospital. This problem is solved by the strict implementation of measures, but for now the administrative-bureaucratic part regarding the measures themselves, as well as the supervision on the implementation of home insulation, is a bit late and that needs to be corrected – concluded Kon .
