Trains running through Serbia should soon be running at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.
Source: Beta

Illustration: EPA, SHEPHERD ZHOU
Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirović declared today that the railway from Belgrade to Novi Sad, as a priority project, will be completed by the end of the year and that by then, high-speed trains will be procured through tenders.
During the tour of the works of that line near Zemun, Momirović said that it depends on the tender when the high-speed trains that can travel 200 kilometers per hour will be acquired, announced the Government of Serbia.
Thus, citizens will be able to travel by train between Belgrade and Novi Sad in just over half an hour.
“A memorandum will be signed with the Chinese partners very soon, but the important thing for us is that these trains comply with the European standard and correspond to the highest quality trains that run on European railways,” Momirovic specified.
He conveyed that he decided that the first construction site he will visit this year will be a high-speed railway to Budapest, that is, an overpass under construction at Zemun Polje, due to the importance of that project.
“This flyover in the Belgrade-Stara Pazova section, where the Chinese partners work, with a length of 295 meters and a width of 18 meters, is phenomenal,” Momirovic said.
The minister said there is no more time to wait and that the projects must be carried out even more offensively.
“The number one priority is to complete this railway by the end of the year, we had a lot of problems, at the beginning the crown also slowed down, but I think we managed to overcome all the problems,” Momirović said.
According to him, within that project, a flyover will be built near Batajnica and other overpasses, railway stations and all the railway infrastructure.
Momirović also estimated that the railway will certainly be profitable, because it will be possible to reach Budapest in just two or two and a half hours, and therefore there will be many more tourists and investments in Serbia.