2 more people died, 95 new cases of infection



In Kosovo and Metohija, nine more died and 78 new cases of kovida 19

In Kosovo and Metohija, in areas under the supervision of the Kosovo government health system, in the last 24 hours, nine people died from kovid 19.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 548 people have died who, according to doctors, had other accompanying diseases.

The Pristina Institute of Public Health recorded 78 new cases of coronavirus infection based on tests of 459 samples.

A total of 13,791 people have been infected in Kosovo and Metohija since the outbreak of the epidemic. 10,113 cases and 3,130 active cases were cured.


Enough medications were provided for the fall.

Sufficient quantities of all drugs used in the treatment of kovid 19 have been provided for the fall, says the director of the Republic Health Insurance Fund (RHIF), Sanja Radojevic Skodric, adding that sufficient quantities of antiviral drugs have been purchased against seasonal flu.


8,432 samples analyzed

In the last 24 hours, two more people died of kovid in Serbia, while 95 were recently infected with coronavirus.

8,432 people were evaluated. There are 41 patients on respirators. 63 people were hospitalized, while 85 were discharged from hospital treatment.

The minister said that more than 296 controls were carried out in the last 24 hours and that criminal charges were filed in nine cases.

Doctors said there is no relaxation in the fight against coronavirus and that only the rigorous implementation of the current measures can keep the numbers low.

More than 200 covid vaccines are being developed around the world 19About 25 are in human clinical trials, and more than five are in the last phase of those trials, Marijan Ivanuša, director of the World Health Organization Office in Serbia, told RTS.
