173 newly infected, 1 deceased, on 21 respirators (KURIR TV)


BELGRADE – In the last 24 hours, 173 new infections were registered in Serbia, 1 deceased and 21 patients with respirators. 6,933 citizens were evaluated.

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said that among the patients, up to 40 percent are between 20 and 40 years old, that is, younger and healthier people who go to work. With regard to the youngest, it can be seen that they are people who do not apply protection measures. The doctor praised the students and teachers who are obviously applying and respecting the measures.

photo: Covid19.rs Printscreen

Infected 40 users and nine employees

To this day, the presence of the covid-19 disease has been confirmed in 40 users and nine employees in social protection institutions and homes for adults and the elderly in Serbia, the Serbian Ministry of Labor announced. The total number of cured users of social protection institutions is 1,044 and the number of cured people employed in social protection institutions is 424. Users of social protection institutions who are estimated to be potential carriers of the virus are isolated , while employees in social protection institutions, where such danger exists, do not come to work and are in home isolation, it is added in the ad.


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