17 infected sisters and a priest


Up to 17 sisters from the Zica monastery and a priest are infected with the coronavirus and are in isolation. As the deputy abbess of the Zica monastery, the nun Nektarija, explains to Kurir, none of those infected are life-threatening and all feel fine, they have no contact with the believers, and regular worship services are postponed until further notice, until May all recover.

photo: Marina Lopicic

– 17 nurses are infected, all are younger sisters, have mild symptoms and are isolated. We are a total of 40 in the monastery, and of those seventeen, an older sister who feels well, has no fever, was tested like all the other sisters and was found to have the virus. The nuns were examined immediately after they noticed they had a fever, and then they were isolated – says Sister Nectaria, adding that the priest is also well and that he also has mild symptoms of the virus.

photo: Youtube Printscreen

– He had no fever. People come to church, but the sisters are isolated. Those of us who are healthy do not go near churches or doors, there is no worship. On Sunday, there was a service where two sisters sang the liturgy, without contact with anyone, the nun said.

Photo / Source: Shutterstock / KV

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