17 centuries old damaged statue in Kalemegdan


Last night, unknown perpetrators downed and damaged a 17-year-old statue that was located in the Gunpowder Department Store in Kalemegdan, where historical monuments and statues found throughout Serbia are kept, Blic reports.

A large gunpowder warehouse was buried in the rocks of the western suburbs or on the so-called Danube slope and was created during the great Austrian reconstruction of the Belgrade Fortress. Construction lasted only two years, from 1718 to 1720, with the aim of making a safe haven for gunpowder as soon as possible, a protected place from enemy artillery, reports Flash.

Today, the Gunpowder Department Store has been partially renovated and repaired. In the first room there is an exhibition of Roman stone monuments, steles, sarcophagi and altars that have been collected and brought from many places in Belgrade (Singidunum), Kosmaj, Kostolac (Viminacium), Sremska Mitrovica (Sirmium), but also Stobi in the north. Macedonia or Durres in Albania.

Within this collection, there is also a damaged sculpture. It is a portrait statue of a woman carved in white marble, dating from the 2nd or 3rd century AD. C. from the collection of Roman stone monuments, and was found at Kalemegdan, near the Military Museum, in ancient Singidunum.

The woman is dressed in a chiton and a himation that covers her head. It belongs to a type of sculpture called “Little Herculaneum”, which dates from the Hellenistic period, and was copied by the Romans until the 3rd century AD. C.

This statue testifies to the high social status of Singidunum’s individual citizens, who were able to afford marble statues depicting them as worthy Romans.

“The JP Belgrade fortress faced another act of vandalism in an area of ​​great importance to the Republic of Serbia. The case was immediately reported to the police, who carried out an investigation. We believe the perpetrators will be found and punished for desecrating monuments and destroy cultural property, “they said. of this public company in the city.

The director of the PE “Belgrade Fortress”, Marija Reljić, says that such an incident has not happened in the fortress in the last 20 years.

“We have reported this case to the competent authorities, which will continue to prosecute it, and I hope that the perpetrators will be found,” Reljić said.

He noted that, to avoid such events, the PE “Belgrade Fortress” will provide video surveillance throughout the complex this year.

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić also visited this area today, stressing that the police had carried out an investigation and that the perpetrators of this “act of vandalism” would be found and punished.

“The statue in the Big Gunpowder Warehouse is from the late 2nd or early 3rd century, it is 17 centuries old, it has been preserved for about a century and last night some thugs came and destroyed it. It never happened in Belgrade Fortress,” he said. . is Vesić for Tanjug, reports Blic.

Vesić added that Serbia does not have much preserved cultural heritage and called it scandalous that even what little is preserved is destroyed by someone.

“I hope they respond, and if they are younger, that their parents, who obviously did not raise their children, will respond,” Vesić said.

In the coming days, the conservators of the National Museum will assess the damage caused to the monument. Thanks to the EP security reaction “Belgrade Fortress”, further damage that could have occurred was prevented, and the police will carry out further investigations.
