1,613 million euros of foreign investment came to Serbia in the first half of the year


Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić attends a meeting with representatives of the National Convention of the European Union.

The topics of the meeting are “Foreign Policy of Serbia” and “Perspectives of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina”.

“We are talking about foreign policy and Chapter 31,” said the president.

– Serbia is strengthening its economic power. One billion and 613 million euros of foreign investment came to Serbia in the first half of the year, despite the coronavirus epidemic. That is more than 60 percent of total foreign investment in all of the Western Balkans. Of that number, most, or 67.4 percent, came from European Union countries and most from Germany, Vučić said.

– Serbia is militarily neutral and we will maintain our neutrality, and when it comes to the power of health, Serbia is one of the first 4 countries in Europe to best fight against the corona virus.

On the issue of economic power, the president said that according to the first flash estimates, Serbia achieved growth of 0.1 percent in the third quarter. He noted that Macedonia had a negative growth of 12.7 percent in the same period.

– There is no doubt that we will be among the first two countries, if not the first in Europe in terms of growth – Vučić is convinced.

He said that it is good for citizens to see that we do not have to be losers and the worst. However, he affirmed that the paradigm of the denunciations will be the one that we liberate ourselves as a nation at the latest. She points out that a good part will quickly get used to success and that we have to work to be successful, instead of constantly saying that others are always wrong, and that we are the only good and successful.

photo: Tanjug Printscreen

The president points out that frozen conflicts are not good and that he advocates that conflicts be resolved immediately and not left for the future, as is the case in Nagorno-Karabakh.

– The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh was frozen for 30 years and the war broke out only one morning, and the international community cannot stop it – says Vučić.

The President indicated that he has great respect for civil society and that they had good conversations.

– It is good to talk and that there is that kind of conversation in society – recommended Vučić.

About BiH

– Dodik is right, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, two leaders have exposed their relationship with the Serbs and Serbia.

photo: Tanjug Printscreen


– Serbia has no better path than the European path and it will continue on that path while preserving traditional friendships – the President emphasized.

The National Convention announced that the objective of the meeting is to restart the dialogue to resolve the Kosovo problem, as well as the foreign policy issues of Serbia.

– We want to preserve peace and stability, and I am not saying this as a cliché, but almost at any price – said President Vučić in his introductory speech.


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