1,578 newly infected, 21 patients died


SIGNIFICANT GROWTH IN CROWN NUMBERS: 1,578 newly infected, 21 patients died

Photo: Shutterstock, Covid19.rs

In the last 24 hours, 9,040 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 1,578 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 21 people died.

There are 182 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

corona virus, condition cross section
photo: Covid19.rs

We remind you that yesterday 7,730 citizens were tested in our country, of which 1,317 tested positive, while unfortunately 20 people died.

By the way, due to the analysis of the current epidemiological situation, the Crisis Staff for the fight against the coronavirus will be ambushed tomorrow at 9 in the morning, and the main question is whether the measures will be relaxed.

In addition, earlier today, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced the start of mass vaccination of the population for tomorrow. As he said, the faster and more efficiently the vaccination is carried out, the faster we will return to a normal life.


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Author: delivery courier
